Monday, December 14, 2020

Lots of Little Things

One more week of school. One more week and then Winter Break will be here.

We can do this!

I don't have many pictures of school since it's virtual, but I do have lots around the barn. It hasn't been the coldest December, but Shane picking up chunks of ice to throw tells you it's been cold enough.

We unhook the hoses at night to prevent them freezing.

Usually. There has been a time or two we forgot, but thankfully nothing burst.

In lieu of hooking everything back up every morning, I've opted to carry a bucket of hot water from the house.

Which Aria is fascinated by. She puts her paws in and flicks water.

She hops out of the way when it's time for me to go to work.

I use the hot water to clean buckets and soften up food so the horses can have a warm meal. 

Maddy's deformed her bucket to the point it's easy to tell apart from Eowyn and Ernie's.

Just one of those funny little things you notice as you go through life.

Speaking of other odd little bits, I sometimes find the weirdest things in bales of hay. I've found rocks, trash, an old crop Carrie turned into a Harry Potter wand for Shane, and now a crushed can.

And a dead mouse. 

I guess the horses didn't want the extra protein.

Gravity keeps pulling on the tarps. It's almost to the point we'll cut it down to replace. I'm hoping we go through more bales first, because it makes sense to restack them when we take it down. I should be able to restack everything far enough away we won't need a tarp, but it'll be a lot of work.

It's not as necessary as, say, making sure all the gates are clipped shut when horses are stalled. Carrie forgot to clip Eowyn's stall in and she broke free. She didn't go far. 

I'd staged fresh hay bags to hang after we put everyone out. Eowyn found hers!

Speaking of Carrie, last week was a more productive one for her. She's been constantly running low on energy, but she fixed up the mini-trailer. 

She loaded up the  mower and took it in for a service.

Another day, she filled the trailer with trash and did a dump run.

I didn't even know she was gone until she was nearly home!

Carrie did a recycling run later on and discovered Fluvanna County's dump is closer and single-stream. We may switch to them for all our dump runs from now on!

This week, Carrie hung some Christmas lights under the boys' lean-to. They look pretty, but the function is to make it to where we can see better at night if there are piles to scoop.

I almost got Carrie to try out a new card game with me, too. She fell asleep on the couch before we could play. My hopes were up, so I left the game setup. It was a mistake and the cats let me know it. They knocked over a box full of cards!

I scooped them all up and decided to reorganize them later. I'd say "One more thing on the to-do list," but I don't mind sorting cards so much. It can be relaxing.

And it's not like anything was damaged. A kid, cats, and a dog can be a dangerous combination. The kid gets out things he shouldn't. The cats knock said things on the floor. The dog finds things on the floor and....

And Carrie's new pair of gloves are unexpectedly touch screen compatible (but colder!). I was tasked to keep an eye on Loki's poop to make sure he wasn't back up, because of it (I joked that maybe he'd poop it out covering a turd to keep it warm).

That takes care of a lot of small pictures I had laying around.

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