Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Second Sleepover

Daniel slept over Saturday night. That's officially two sleepovers before Shane's fourth birthday (and Daniel's third). Not bad for budding social lives, right?

Jessica was at a birthday party, so Mike brought Daniel over and we all hung out. When the boys went to bed, Carrie and I introduced Mike to Portal.

This sleepover did not go as well as the first. First, Daniel did not finally go to bed until close to 11. Shane was zonked. Daniel was highly congested and coughed himself and me up at 2 AM and at 3:30 AM or so. Then, both boys woke and were ready to shine at 5:15 AM. I laid on the floor in their room as damage control, but gave up and allowed them downstairs at 6 AM.

The boys were wired. They bumped over the hamster cage while I made coffee. Several minutes later they started hooping and hollering and woke Carrie (who was not happy with the wake-up call). 

Ironically, the boys played awesomely together. Shane was ornery Saturday night, but it was all water under the bridge Sunday. We read books and played in Shane's room while Mommy got caffeinated.

Later that morning, Mike and Jessica brought over chocolate chip pancakes for everyone. Daniel was supposed to take a Claritin for his allergies last night. He never did. That explained the massive snot rockets I wiped off with his shirt.

The boys cried and cried when we went our separate ways to get ready for church. When they aren't driving each other crazy, they're the best of friends.

Maybe next time, Shane will spend the night at Daniel's house and Carrie and I will sleep in :)

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