Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A Snow Day Becomes Two

4 AM the power flickered. 

6 AM it went off for the rest of the day.

Both my work and Shane's daycare decided to open on a two-hour delay.

We decided to have some morning fun. Board games only require the power of imagination (and not losing the pieces).

Shane had the most fun when he ran off with the pieces and made helicopter noises (It was imaginative! I was fine with it).

Carrie used a lighter to ignite a burner. Power or not, there would be caffeine.

Then my school closed. There weren't enough bus drivers. The city roads were fine, but many employees live in the surrounding county. Those roads were treacherous. Ice is not to be taken lightly.

That left me free to take Shane to school. Carrie took off, as well. She works Saturday, so she had to take a day off and an ice storm and time with me were a good argument for today.

No work, no power, no Shane, and a lovely wife?

We went to see Star Wars.

That's another story.

We ate out and ran some errands the rest of the day. Carrie used the power outage to fiddle with some light fixtures.

The power outage was still a novelty to Shane when he got home. He played kitty and chased a laser light.

It looked like this without the flash.

We played with flashlights, read books, and unclogged a drain the rest of the time (Shane needs more practice holding the light steady).

9:00 PM the power came back on. I never minded power outages as a kid, but I was thrilled to charge my phone as an adult. After all, it's my alarm clock! The sun melted all the snow and there was no way school would be closed again. We've missed six days so far this year.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you and Carrie got to have a "date day" and go to a movie together and out to eat. Dad and I still want to go see the new Star Wars.
