Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Adventure Day with Mom

Wednesday was the first day of break. Shane and Carrie went on an adventure. Carrie wanted to find a saddle that fit Maddie better. She knew there was a cheap used one that might fit the a consignment shop two hours away!

Yep, she went for it! She drove the truck down to the barn to collect a pair of old saddles that didn't fit she could use as comparisons and possibly sell. Carrie's skilled at that and normally manages to do a good deal of swapping and selling to pay for her horse gear habits.

Shane tagged along for the ride. I wouldn't have volunteered, but he's a good traveler. He likes to talk, listen to music, and look at the window....and Carrie bribed him with using his tablet. She also planned to get lunch out and Shane suggested Arby's!

Carrie's first stop was only 20 minutes away at Heidi's house. Carrie checked in and offered to drop off some of Heidi's old gear at a consignment shop on her way north. 

Shane got a surprise, too. Heidi gave him a large stuffed bear.

He loved it. He showed it off when he got home.

I'm trying to convince him to call it a bär instead of bear since it's German!

But back to the trip, Carrie hit up three tack shops on the journey. It took longer than planned and Shane took a nap on the way home.

I guess restrooms were limited, because he had to go in a cup at one point. I don't know who was more shocked: Shane or Carrie! She sent me home a picture, so I know it happened.

If she was trying to gross me out, it didn't work (Been there; Done that!). I commented that she needed to get Shane some water, because he was looking too golden to be hydrated.

Side note: Pay attention to when Shane's browsing cards for sale. He came home giggling about a birthday card for an older woman. "It said, 'I thought I was having a hot flash, but my boob was in my coffee!'"

Meanwhile, I stayed home. And blogged. A lot. I wrote 9 posts and set up the pictures and drafts of 9 more future posts. My goal is to catch up over break and the road trip really helped me gain ground!

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