Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Introducing Eowyn

School continued unabated for me, but Carrie had a fun outing Tuesday morning. She joined a hunt group.

But wait. Who did she ride?

It wasn't Magic or Eddie. They walked up to the trailer to inspect things. In fact, the trailer had left the house empty!

Meet Eowyn. She's Sam's half-sister. A draft cross.

She looks like a feminine Sam. You're not supposed to see a huge difference between male and female horses (save the obvious), but that's really the best way I can describe her. 

Sam's full name was Samwise, so Carrie wanted to keep a Lord of the Rings theme with Eowyn's name (and Eowyn has one of the best story arcs in the saga, so Carrie new I'd approve).

Carrie drove out to Sarah G's property last week (Sarah G is the trainer we bought Sam from and who sold Sam for us). Sarah had told Carrie, "You're not going to believe this coincidence with vet reports," when Eowyn had a similar report and situation as Samwise had. The odds of two similar situations caught Carrie's attention, but then Eowyn caught her fancy after a test ride.

Carrie sent me some pictures of her riding. She had a huge smile on her face.

Carrie committed to buying Eowyn. Tuesday morning's hunt was the final test drive and a semi-delivery since it was so close to our barn. Carrie said Eowyn was the first fun ride she'd had in a long while (specific to horses!). 

Eowyn was nervous about being in a new barn. All of the horses were curious about her.

Carrie brought in Abby and Pockets to introduce them and turn them out individually.

Abby's not a fan of change, but she seemed to accept Eowyn fairly quickly. She ran her off a few times, but Eowyn was running herself off regardless of what Abby did.

Abby did check in with her bff, Pockets, a few times. We hoped he would be fine with a new horse since he was lower on the totem pole than Abby. He'd been pretty mellow when he first came on the property.

But he was a mule. They don't always think the same as horses. He might have been jealous, too, as Abby seemed to really take to Eowyn and display signs she was in heat! Eowyn kept running in circles and tried to say hi to Maddy (who said, "Stay away from my dry lot!")

Pockets became a problem. Abby would kick and make her presence known when her space was encroached upon, but he kept after Eowyn. They call it "dragon ears" when a horse lays their ears back in angry, but big mule ears are more akin to "dragon horns!"

I had no memory left (Carrie never warns me when she's up to something), so I couldn't catch much footage. 

Carrie eventually caught Pockets, aced him (a sedative), and he still kept chasing and charging at Eowyn when he was let back out.

The hostility was right at the level there wasn't a clear and present danger, but uneasy enough Carrie wasn't happy as the sun went down.

"They're going to have to work it out...," Carrie said (and hoped and prayed!).

Fast forward and they have worked it out. Pockets is back to being the bottom of the herd's pecking order. 

Eowyn seemed to be the alpha for a few days, but Abby's back in charge. The two girls have bonded and Pockets is no longer Abby's bff. Or maybe he is, but Abby seems to love Eowyn.

Eowyn clearly ranks higher than Pockets, because she will move him around the feeder. Nobody shoos Abby.

Feeding time is when it's evident Abby is still alpha mare. She clears the other horses out from the lean-to. She will threaten to bite, kick, and maim anyone who tries to encroach upon her stall. Eowyn hangs back well outside her range. Pockets is the only one eager (or dumb) enough to encroach! He sidles up to his door, gets run off, and sidles back!

It's a little weird between Eowyn and Pockets after Abby is let in. Eowyn will try to run Pockets off, but he's so desperate to get his food he doesn't always play that game. If Pockets is by his stall, I can let him in easily enough, but Eowyn hasn't learned her stall door and sometimes there's a back and forth between them as I try to guide everyone to their proper places.

My prayer is that Eowyn will be our last new horse for years to come and that she'll be a healing and fun riding partner for Carrie.

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