Wednesday, November 11, 2020

You should try to learn something new everyday

The nail on my left ring-finger perplexed me. There was a ridge/hump that ran straight down it. I could feel it with a touch (and often did). It was marked enough I could see it, as well (though it may be hard to see in the picture).

I played and picked at it for days before I mentioned it to Carrie.

"It's probably from your damaged cuticle," she said. "See the ding?"

"That's a thing?" I asked and got a look.

It seems like such a simple thing, but it amazed me it took 38 years for me to learn it. You can (and should!) learn things every day and from all sorts of places. Curiosity can be a gift. I'm glad I can still find little bits of wonder in learning mundane things.

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