Monday, December 23, 2013

A Few Shane Sayings

Shane says some pretty hysterical things from time to time. I normally think "That's awesome! I should write that down!"

Then I don't. 

Then I forget.

No longer! Here are some Shane sayings.

In the car
Shane: I don't want to go home!
Carrie: Tough cookies.
Shane: Cookies?
Carrie & I: Uh-oh.
Shane: I want a cookie! I want a cookie! x infinite

Whenever he wants something
Shane: I love you, I need you, Mommy!  ::big hug + kiss::
Carrie: Now I understand "affection as a weapon."

Shane's new favorite word
Anyone: Shane, do you want/need/like ______________.
Shane: NOT.

That's not what I meant..
Me: Shane do you want a bunny?
Shane: NO! We don't eat bunnies! Bunnies HOP!!

Me: Do you want to visit Daniel?
Shane: Oh yeah! He needs me.

After bedtime. The house is quiet; Shane is supposed to be sleeping; I sneeze.
Shane (through the monitor): Bless you, Daddy.
Me (to the ceiling): Thank you, Shane.
Shane (through the monitor): Your welcome.

When Daddy hugs Mommy
Shane: No, Daddy! That's my girl!

On occasion, Shane also mimics some of Daddy's "names" for Mommy
Shane: Good morning, Beautiful!
Sometimes he tries to call me "Mike," as well. 

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