Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Day 2013

Carrie rose first. There was cooking afoot.

Daddy awoke next, but failed to leave the bed.

Shane started his morning last. Daddy had no choice but to get up then!

Who wakes when will change next year. Shane's experience Christmas presents. He'll probably wake up next week asking for Christmas again!

Carrie spent the morning cooking while I entertained Shane and Roxy. 

We took a short time out for a Christmas photo op!

At 10:30 AM, Nana, Pop, Jama, and Patrick came over for breakfast and presents!

I took my one video and then joined the festivities (I like to record and take pictures, but, most of all, I want to live it!).

It was great to see Patrick there. I haven't seen much of him for a while. Young adults live at very different hours than working parents. He was usually asleep, at work, or out whenever I went to Nana and Pop's. Then Patrick transferred out of town to a bigger college this semester.

Shane wasn't shy around him. My son enlisted his uncle's help with opening presents and general tomfoolery. Later, I tried to play a round of X-Wing miniatures with Patrick and Shane kept running over and grabbing his dice and TIE-fighters! Cracked me up. Patrick didn't mind either. He's laid-back and I suspect he was more interested in updating League of Legends on my computer...

Then there were the usual cast of characters in my families' lives.

Nana could only sit on the couch with Pop so long before she wanted in on unwrapping presents with Shane.

Carrie and Jama talked on the side. Jama enlisted Carrie's help as an 'elf' to order, wrap, and hide gifts! 

A couple of hours later, everyone left for their own nap-times. Carrie crashed and slept just as Shane was waking up. He was too excited to sleep for long! The boy, puppy, and I played in the basement with some of his new toys.

That night, we packed up and went over to Nana and Pop's for round two!

Kathleen, Cole and Stu were there! I love it when the family assembles. I get to see everyone and the little boys get to play. Ka recorded Nana and Pop getting a work-out running around with the wee ones. The good times abounded!

Not pictured (yet -- Pop has more photos on his camera), Bill, Jill, and John all came over. It was a reunion! 

I loved seeing everyone. It never feels like there's enough time or opportunity during a 'regular week.' 

I think my family and friends do Christmas right. It's not about setting unrealistic expectations and killing yourself with preparations, shopping, and all the muddle. Nana heated up mac and cheese and frozen turkey from Thanksgiving. Christmas is more about spending time with loved ones and less about worrying about getting things right. 

There will be lots more time for family over the holiday break. Carrie has to work Thursday and Friday, so Shane and I will be out and about. Uncle Dennis, Matthew and Kyle are coming to visit Nana and Pop's Thursday night. Matt and Renee were with Renee's family for Christmas, but they'll be back this weekend. Hopefully, we'll see them before we go to Carrie's parent's for the weekend, but if not there will be time later. The only local-ish family we won't have gotten to see this Christmas will be B and Megan. They were missed, but they're in India! It's understandable. Hopefully, they'll be around next year.

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