Monday, December 30, 2013

Resurrected Post: Beginning Again

On March 15, 2010 I found my old LiveJournal and started writing on it. My posts were all marked to private, the shy boy I am, and I wrote like it. I sometimes wrote boring lists, I sometimes wrote with people's real names, and I sometimes exaggerated things to amuse myself that don't translate well if you're not me.

I was working on writing my goals and reflection posts earlier and decided to dredge up an old entry. It's related to one of my goals and seemed like an easy way to post something tonight (copy + paste!).


Hello, world.

I'm going to give this journal thing another go around. Long story short, I would like to start writing more often. I play a lot of games. I read a ton of books. I've even started watching more TV due to my wife, Carrie. These things are all fine and dandy, but I've been feeling for a while that I want to make something of my own. I want to be a part of the process, a participant instead of someone partaking in another person's story. I don't want to just be a consumer.

Before I married Carrie, I used to have opportunities to game master role playing games for my friends. I like to think that I was good at creating worlds and exciting stories (never mind the fact their set goal was to derail everything as fantastically as possible). Whether I was talented or not, creating and running games was a good creative outlet. Lately, there have been no GURPs games, so I have to find a new outlet. 

That's where writing comes in.

I'm not the best writer. My style is far from anything you might consider literary art. It's more of a conversational meandering with grammatical errors. However, I do seem to derive some sort of pleasure or sense of accomplishment out of it. Therefore, I want to get better at it.

My writing goal is to make a short journal entry every day or do some work on a short story. I'd love to get published one day, but I'm a long ways off as I write this. Writing on this journal should help me get into the habit of writing more often. If I get better at it or not is an entirely different story!

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