A beautiful morning kicked off Day 2. Carrie and I hopped on the moped and buzzed off towards Hamilton, the capital city of Bermuda.
Rush hour was a joke compared to Northern VA standards. We passed through a traffic circle where a man sat on a bench shouting "Welcome!" and waving and greeting everyone on the southern road. From there (or soon?) the road expanded from two to three lanes to accommodate the extra traffic. It was widest road I saw on the whole island and it could not have lasted more than a kilometer.
It would have been incidence free if not for the abandoned car in the middle of the road. Traffic backed up. Other people on mopeds zipped down the center between cars without a care, but Carrie and I weren't that confident yet. We waited our turn in lane. Someone else didn't. They cut off the van in front of us. The van stopped short; shorter than us. Our front wheel nudged the van's bumper. I bounced up on the back of the moped but didn't go anywhere. Then the van drove off. I doubt they even noticed.
Carrie and I carried on.
Hamilton was like the rest of Bermuda: Clean and Friendly. The buildings were taller and we were clearly in a city, but there was nowhere near the foot or road traffic I expected. It was calm and quiet.
And very pretty.
We found a moon gate behind the main drag. In Bermuda, it is considered good luck for newlyweds to pass through a gate together.
So we played newly weds.
The moon gate was part of a garden commemorating a visit by Queen Elizabeth. The path had pages of a local children's story for kids to read as they walked and chickens. Wild chickens that my wife had to chase.
None of the chickens let Carrie catch them. She had fun trying!
We walked across the entire front drag. We saw government buildings, stores, docks, and lots of water.
I don't even like Bacardi, but that is a cool design for a building.
We turned around when the road bent and turned residential. It may have been the city limits for all I know. Our phones (and hence maps) were off.
We walked all the way back across Hamilton to the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute (BUEI).
The name is accurate. The BUEI was a museum/exhibit about exploring the waters around Bermuda (or really anywhere).
There were plenty of things for kids (or in this case kid-minded adults) to do.
I was tired from all of the walking,...
...but Carrie was thrilled to be there!
We had fun playing around and taking pictures before we went upstairs to get our learn on.
The first room had information about the waters of Bermuda and the Lionfish epidemic. I was ready to join the "Eat it, to Beat it" campaign by the time we found the seashell art.
Even though Shane was with Grandma and Grandpa, we always noticed things we thought Shane would like.
Like owl sea-shells.
The highlight (for us) of the other exhibit was the story of the Odyssey recovering the lost silver of the SS Gairsoppa from WW2. Carrie pegged Mike Rowe as the narrator of the video.
We rode an interactive elevator down to the lower floor exhibits.
Carrie played Uhura.
There were lots of cool things to look at downstairs.
I was amused looking at the old cobs and the pieces of eight. We don't make them like we used to (thank God!). There were other replicas and items found in shipwrecks in the Bermuda Triangle and Caribbean.
Carrie had me pose next to an exhibit that showed the effects of pressure as divers go down.
There was an mock shark cage, too.
My wife showed no fear.
The rain came while we ate our lunch. We hunkered down after we finished and tried to rest. Rain does not bother me, but Carrie wanted nothing to do with it. It was as if the drops drained her of all energy.
It poured and time passed. I don't know how long. When it slackened up enough I convinced Carrie to brave the drizzle with me. She was not a happy camper! We looked into a store or two before the sun came up.
Then we were on our way again!
Saint David's
Carrie drove us out of Hamilton and followed the North road back to Saint David's, the island our cottage was on. Instead of going home, we puttered past our turn and went to see where the road ended.
We found a beautiful cove and empty beach. Bermuda is full of people, but somehow full of little areas like these.
We had fun taking pictures and poking around. Carrie found some cool creatures and shells we would learn more about the next day.
My wife also found a trail to an old fort. The clouds were threatening to rain again, but we forged ahead.
I hope the pictures show the contradiction. Bermuda is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, but I never felt it. Carrie and I ended up on a gorgeous stretch of rocky shore with no one else to be seen.
The trail was overgrown and disappeared at times. There were probably houses on the other side of a ridge if we had cared to climb it, but none visible from where we were.
Another perk of Bermuda: few bugs.
If we had been at home, I would have worried that walking through tall grass would lead towards ticks, fleas, and all sorts of critters crawling all over us. Bermuda has a lot of plant and fish life, but few animals. There are barely even any mosquitoes. It made me much more willing to chase after any trail we saw.
The rain started halfway through our trail walk. Carrie asked me if we should turn back.
She made the mistake of telling me the name of the fort, though.
We are children of the 80's! I didn't want to turn back when something cool could be right around the corner either. Too often great stories are missed by turning back too early!
The fort was not what I would call a fort so much as a pair of caves on the side of a cliff. There was raised earth with divots cut for a pair of cannons in a battery, but it was otherwise overgrown.
And totally cool.
Some people would not have been impressed, but I had fun. There were some empty bottles in the small rooms cut into the rock-side. I'm sure some Bermudan teens had a party at one point.
Carrie spotted another battery on the cliff on the opposite side of the cove. I posed and pointed.
Mission accomplished!
We had the choice of continuing the path or retracing our steps to get back to the moped. My first thought was to take the path we knew, but Carrie suggested we keep going forward. She was right.
We'd walked 90% around the coast back near to where we started. We went down the path and came out on the back end of a cricket field attached to a primary school. We walked to the road, followed it, and came back to where we had parked in less time than it took to trek to the fort.
The drizzle abated and we were on our way again. Daylight was a-wasting!
Carrie checked the map and we followed a road we had passed up to another old fort.
Once again, we were the only people on the hill. Several of the locals smiled and waved at us from their houses on our way up (Have I mentioned Bermudans are some of the most friendly people I've ever met?).
This fort still had guns.
Big guns.
Fort Popple was a much older fort. St. David's Battery was built before World War I (1910) and is now derelict.
I checked. None of the guns were loaded.
In front of the batteries was a memorial for all Bermudans ever lost at sea.
We tried to visit the lighthouse on St. David's, too. It was closed by the time we arrived, so we decided to cruise onto St. George's to explore there.
St. George's
Once again, places were closed. Carrie wanted to visit an ice cream shop she remembered. Closed.
St. Peter's church's door were barred.
Fort St. Catherine was shut down for the night, too.
Historical St. George's was mostly empty when we cruised back through in the waning light.
We saw the most locals when we took a turn on our way back from Fort St. Catherine's. Carrie saw cows and wanted to drive by. Down the road there was a primary school and a lot of people hanging out on the fields behind it. There was a community center nearby where we saw a movie playing through a big window as we zipped by. A group of teens saw us as we came to a T-intersection and smiled and pointed the way back into the town proper without being asked. We smiled a thanks and Carrie scooted us by.
We made it back to the cottage without further incident. We watched some TV, rested, and went to bed for the night.
It was an adventure filled day!