Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bermuda: Day 1 - Trials

Carrie and I flew to Bermuda! We dropped off Shane with Grandma and Grandpa Sunday. Our flight out was Monday morning.

Carrie was dying to return to Bermuda. I'd never been.

The flight went well and we landed on the island ahead of schedule. The airport was a breeze. We found a cab and were on our way.

That's when things started to go wrong.

The forecast threatened rain all week (to my wife's dismay). The first drops fell as our cab got lost trying to find our cottage on St. David. When we arrived, the owners weren't there. Carrie was desperate for a bathroom break. We sat under the front porch for forty-five minutes as the rain fell off and on. At 2:45 PM, the owners showed, we got our key, unpacked and discovered the internet did not work.

At 3:30 PM the moped delivery failed to show. There were no sidewalks and without internet we had no idea of where anything was. We were trapped. We tried to use the local phone provided to call the moped rental, but it wouldn't connect. We had to use our phones at $2 a minute to get anyone to talk to us.Carrie and I's last meal had been a small brunch at 10 AM in the airport. There was no food in the cottage. Carrie was feeling off, hungry, frustrated and pushed past her last nerve when the moped arrived around 5:30 PM.

The mood brightened considerably from there. We hopped on. We went into St. George's. We found food.

Carrie's smile grew wider with each passing moment. If I was offered a job and a place to live in St. George's, my wife would build a raft or do whatever it took to get us there. She loves the little town.

Gaston called, too. He exploded (with excitement) when he heard we were in Bermuda. Carrie could not stop smiling or hang up.

I mentally tallied $2/minute...for about the first minute or two. Then I stopped caring. Gaston is awesome and it made Carrie happy.

After dinner, Carrie and I walked to a small convenience store to buy supplies. We bought a pack of cards we used to play Rummy at night.

And I found the stocks.

I am easily amused.

This amuses Carrie.

Carrie was exhausted by the time we got back to the cottage. She fell asleep on the couch while we watched "Whose Line is it Anyway?"

It left her wide open for some candid shots!

I spent the rest of the night flipping through tour guides and fiddling on the computer. The internet was still down at the cottage and would remain down the rest of our time on the island. Eventually, I turned off the lights and snuck off to bed.

The first night of our Bermuda adventure came to a close. It was not the kick-off that was planned for, but it came and went. We had shelter, we had water, and neither one of us was in danger. Not everyone in the world can say that. We lost several hours of a vacation, but there are a lot more pictures for day two! Sometimes it's nice to have something go wrong early. Especially when it's not my fault! It becomes an opportunity to show love, trust, and faith.

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