Saturday, August 23, 2014

Air and Space Museum Fun!

Who loves the Air and Space Museum?

I do!

Shane took convincing. I had to tell him there would be planet stuff.

He still complained until I finally threw him in the car.

Then the fountain was amazing.

It was drizzling outside, but Shane was awestruck. He was where he wanted to be.

I challenged him to a race to get him through to front door.

We walked into the museum, stood at the top of the stairs in front of the SR-71, planes of all ages lay before us, and Shane said, "Where are the plants? I don't see any!"

Thank God for the Mars rover replica.

The biggest hit wasn't any of the displays. It was the elevators.

We went down the elevator and ran up the stairs over and over. That's backwards to me.

Shane and I worked up a sweat, but he still had energy to spare.

I eventually dragged him off, so I could snap a few inside joke pictures.

That morning, Carrie sampled an anime Netflix recommended. She complained that all of the names of the characters were hard to remember, because they were long and Japanese. "Why can't they rename someone George?"

The Greatest Generation agreed.

Then I saw a helicopter named after a friend. I bet Genevieve will get a chuckle out of it.

Shane wasn't impressed. He wanted more stairs.

He found a friend to run them with, too.

Another father and son combo started up the stairs at the same time with us. Shane tried to make friends. The boy was shy. Shane persisted. Gummy did not reply, but the boys ended up holding hands and running about. Gummy's dad, Chris, and I ended up chasing the boys around for the next half hour.

Shane even dragged them all over to see the Mars rover again.

Gummy started talking more as the boys ran around. Shane half dragged him at times. He was a year younger and much more timid than my boy. Gummy's mom snapped several pictures of all of the boys walking in a big chain.

We walked by a bathroom and Shane wanted to inspect the urinals. We parted ways with many tears.

This time, Shane cried and complained when we left the museum. Unless it's his idea, he does not like shifting gears!

The Air and Space Musuem is definitely one of my all time favorites. I highly recommend it to anyone who happens to be near it. Parking is free after four, too! It's a great place to run a little boy (and his father) to exhaustion while a mommy naps!

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