Sunday, November 8, 2015

Survey Take 2

One of the neatest things about my blog is the search command.

"When did that happen?" Search.

"Didn't I have a funny pic/video when...?" Search.

"What should I write about tonight? Did I ever mention ______?" Search.

That last one brought up an old survey post. I figured I'd revisit it (over four and a half years later!).

November 2015

Children: Shane (4 years, 11 months)
Pets: Max, Bucket, and River

Where do we live: Cville
Profession: Still education
Average amount of sleep: 7-8 hours (when I don't have a cold)

Average drive to work: 8-15 minutes (Unless I have to take Shane to preschool: 30-40 minutes with walk to class)
Average drive home: 12 minutes or less
Distance to work: 1.7 miles

Leave for work: 7:45 AM
Return home from work: Usually 4:00ish, but if I work late (~5:00 PM) I go straight to Shane's preschool. It's always my job to pick him up.

What I do to relax: Browse the internet, blog, simple games are much more rare but do happen (more like websudoku or FTL lately), Netflix with Carrie. I never seem to have time for novels anymore. I main read my bible or random articles online (big wikipedia and Google Maps fan - I am eternally curious). I play my LOTR LCG card game if I have the energy (usually at least a couple of times a week).

What I do for "quality time" with my wife: Less TV and much more Netflix! We're on season 7 of MASH. I've lost track of how many series we've gone through. Carrie went through Once, Arrow, and Flash this week since she's injured.

Extracurricular hobbies/activities: Do allergy shots count?

Future plans/goals: To love God, be the best father/husband I can be, and survive teaching until retirement. I've taught at high school and middle school now. I'm also currently "in the trenches" again at an alternative school. I coached wrestling last year and I'm going to be involved again this year (more on that later). I still wonder if I should pursue a PhD one day. It's not high on my list, but if I'm capable I wonder if it's something I'll be called to do. We've bought and sold two houses since the last survey. I want to be in this one for a while!

Coolest thing lately: Carrie's parents dropped by and brought an old recliner. The doctor said a recliner may be better to sleep in and she's sound asleep as I type. Shane had a great soccer practice Saturday that was fun to watch. I feel like he's growing and developing well! I bought a gallon of cider at Costco, too (Maybe I should have some...). Wrestling season starts tomorrow.

Shane's wake-up: 7-7:30 AM
Shane's nap: I try to put him down between 1 and 2. Some days he naps, some days he doesn't. The more active he is, the more likely he'll snooze (so I keep him as active as I can in the morning!). It sounds like he normally skips at school (They try to put the kids down earlier - 12:30 I think. Shane's not worn out enough by then).
Shane's bedtime: 8:30 PM
When he actually goes to bed: 8:50 PM
How I get him up the stairs: We race to see who gets to put the toothpaste on his toothbrush
Once he's in bed: I check to see if/where Carrie's asleep. If she's awake, snuggle and Netflix!

For reference:

February 2011
Children: Shane (2.5 months)
Pets: Min and Max (two tuxedo cats)
Where do we live: Northern VA
Profession: Education
Average amount of sleep per night: 6-7 hours.
Average drive to work: 12-15 minutes there and 20-55 minutes on the way home (35-40 avg) due to traffic.
Distance to work: 9 miles
Bed time: anywhere from 9:30-10:30. 11:00 is not uncommon on weekends.
Alarm clock: 6:20
Leave for work: 7:10
Return home from work: usually around 4:30-5:00
People I talk to most on the phone: My grandparents, my wife, and then Matt and Mom.
What I do to relax: Read, browse the internet, and play simple games like PuzzleQuest 2. I'll watch stuff on Netflix while Shane feeds too.
What I do for "quality time" with my wife: Change diapers, watch TV, and lots of SG-1 on Netflix. We finished up Star Trek DS9 and the Next generation last year. We're just now starting to use the TVs again instead of streaming everything on the computer.
Extracurricular activities/hobbies: I'd like to start doing the SCA again. It was a lot of fun and I need to get back in shape. Plus, it's a lot cheaper than when I took BJJ.
Future plans/goals: Write, write, write! Also, I may want to go back to school for a PhD to try teaching at the college level. I would like to teach at all there levels of school (Elementary, Middle, and High) and when the economy is better I would like to try another tour of duty at a center or an alternative school (a run in the trenches!). I'd also love to sell our house for a big profit in 5-6 years when/if the housing market turns around so we can have a yard. I need to read my Bible more and invest more too.
Coolest thing lately: Aside from a ton of baby moments, my friend, Iggs, dropped by to visit on Saturday and my wife brought home some surprise sushi. I got to show a friend my son for the first time and stuff my stomach.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! Thank you!
    We love and miss you, Carrie and Shane so much
