Sunday, November 29, 2015

Tough Month!

It's been a tough month. Carrie got hurt November 1st. Shane got strep November 2nd. Then I got sick on the 3rd or 4th. Work didn't slow down. The wrestling interest meeting was the 5th and I got hired as a MS Coach the 6th. I found out the details over the weekend. High school started practice the 9th. MS began the 16th. Throughout I had several deadlines for testing and re-evaluation packets. I popped a tire and changed it in the dark at Shane's preschool one day, too.

We survived until the holidays, but now Shane has fever again. He's had it since the day before Thanksgiving (the 25th). The cough started the night before. I took him to the doctor on the 27th, but she said it was probably a virus and should go away on it's own. Shane must not have gotten the memo. He woke up coughing and gagging last night and had a low grade fever in the morning.

Healthy or unhealthy, Shane calls out every morning at 6:58 AM: "Daaaddy! Oh, Daaaaddy!" It keeps me shorter on sleep. If he still has a fever tonight, I may need to call in for a sub Monday. Otherwise, I may not have time to find someone to cover (not many subs jump at going to my school either). I was going be a little late to take Carrie to her doctor's appointment, but Shane upped the ante. Speaking of appointments, Carrie's got moved back 15 minutes the other week. That's not a lot, but I was already cutting my schedule close to beat my students to class. We're not sure how long the appointment and x-rays will take, so any push back makes me wonder.

Months like this aren't the most fun, but they serve a purpose. They allow you to show love, grit and faith, stretch you, and help you to appreciate the highlights when they hit. Shane and I got to finish out soccer, go to a birthday party, and we all ate lots of turkey! I am thrilled I get to coach wrestling again, as well.

The good and the challenges all take energy. November's drained me. I meant to write more and catch up with the blog and every other little thing over the holidays, but I didn't. I spent more time on the computer doing nothing and stared into space than I should have. I rested enough I'm ready to hit Monday with what I've got.

I write this to keep my blog honest. I don't want a highlights reel. This is not a complaint. I like behind the scenes stories. Life's not easy and it never will be. I don't always care for the struggle in the moment, but life would be bland without it.

I won't complain if God let's us take a breather, though. I have to figure out something to do for Shane's birthday....soon!

PS - Carrie thinks she has whatever Shane started with. She has a 101.2 temp.

PPS - The inspiration for this post came after I saw the quote from Furtick and then Carrie and I watched "Chaos on the Bridge" (a behind the scenes look at Star Trek TNG).


  1. Thanks for the update. I love your honesty and attitude! See you on the 11 and 12th! Maybe Pop and I can take Shane to Chuck E Cheese's then and give you a break.

  2. I hope you guys will have a healthy, restful December!!
