Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Carrie's mobility signaled a Thanksgiving at home. Shane played ABC Mouse, Carrie read, and I cleaned, because...

Grandma and Grandpa were on the way! Thanksgiving was saved. They brought turkey, too!

Grandma said they got up before 7:00 AM to start cooking. Then they packed the food and drove an hour and a half to show up on our doorstep.

Steam wafted off the turkey when they unveiled it. It was beautiful.

Grandpa brought an activity book to keep Shane busy while they prepped. Smart man. Shane liked the mazes.

Later, Shane and I showed Ticket to Ride to Grandpa. Shane practiced all week. I asked him to teach grandpa the rules.

Grandma and Shane played on her iPad afterward. She got into it!

We were all thrilled Grandma and Grandpa made it. We have a lot to be thankful for (especially the sweet potatoes!)

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