Wednesday, October 19, 2016

First Belt Class

Boys who earn white belts get to go to a new class. Grandma and Grandpa were in town, so we made a family trip of it.

Say, "Cheese!"

I continue to be impressed by Master Kang and Instructor Papa. They have a methodical and positive approach that's fun for the kids. The new class took things up a notch from the beginner's.

There was no room for us, at first. It slowly cleared out until we could all fit in the air conditioning (record October heat, anyone?). Grandma's reactions were priceless when the pool noodle came out ("Reaction speed test!" yelled Master K).

Shane gave a pout when the other kids had boards to break. He and the other white belt had a chance to use a loaner board after class closed out. Then we bought one (There's that "free-to-play" aspect, but the lessons are so worth it. I think Shane will stick with this for a while).

We celebrated with pizza afterward! Grandma and Grandpa were impressed.

It made for a special Wednesday night.

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