Sunday, October 30, 2016

One Day Post Oil Change Kerplunk

The truck broke down hard thirty miles from home with horses in tow. Carrie called, but my phone was on silent in church. Shane and I mounted up for a rescue right after.

AAA could handle the truck, but what about the loaded trailer?

An F-250 dually pulled up and checked on the stranded ladies. Not only did they offer to help, they took Carrie and Cassie out to breakfast! Carrie called them angels. Shane and I rendezvoused with everyone at the Golden Corral.

Shane and I drove Keith and Carrie over to unhitch the trailer while everyone finished eating.

The rest of the crew arrived shortly thereafter.

My honest first thought: "This is the oldest horse rescue team I've ever seen. Is this how they stay busy retired? Any why so many?"

You see, I was uninformed. The last Carrie and I talked, she had been called a horse trailer/rescue service. Then she hung up. I drove on the assumption there was a plan or there would be a plan by the time I arrived. Then when I did arrive at the restaurant, we only paused a moment. Shane and I walked in, walked out, loaded up, rolled out, and carried on.

Then Shane had to pee. I took him to the Wendy's while the trailer was unhitched. When we returned, Keith gave me a key and said that he accidentally took it with him, so Shane and I drove back to Golden Corral to deliver it. There was never an idle moment to ask Carrie, "Who are these guys?"

Whoever they were, they knew animals and how to haul. Keith talked donkeys and mules the drive over. I spent the whole time handling Shane.

The tow truck arrived after we said goodbye to the horses. Amazingly, the angels were from Charlottesville and lived not far from Jenny's barn.

William, the tow truck driver, was awesome, too.

He let Shane help load the truck!

We followed William all the way back to Charlottesville. Wendy's provided lunch for Shane (and an awesome toy that kept him busy the whole ride - I'd stop at that Wendy's again).

We cleaned out the truck and went to the barn to check on the horses and debrief. The angel crew had already moved on by the time we arrived. We need to thank them somehow.

We got home after 3:00 PM. Porch-Couch was ready for us.

Still don't know what's up with the truck. We'll find out tomorrow, I hope. 

For now, the weather is great.

UPDATE: Cylinder went kaboom. It's dead, Jim.

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