Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Family Time!

I left Shane in good hands. 

And I even have photo proof of it. Ka started uploading pictures to WhatsApp.

I was even in a couple!

But the real star of the post is all the cousins.

They spent a ton of time together.

Rooms were trashed and trash baskets were worn.

Whether they played as a group or not, all of the kids just like being around each other!

Everyone split their time between Nana's and Ka's.

The fun moved fast, so if you didn't keep up you'd be left behind!

There were unicorn princess tea parties that Tenley asked Kathleen NOT to photograph (You can guess how that worked).

Ka's backyard is filled with all sorts of things for high-energy kids to do!

I don't know when these pictures were taken, but they could've been any day of the week. The weather was highly unseasonal.

Ka didn't limit the kids to the backyard, though.

She took them to three different creeks (and even brought other friends along, too!).

Shane had an epic tale of "falling in" one creek. He got his pants wet!

The cousins spent a ton of time together.....with occasional breaks. When Shane and Cole had sleepovers they'd stay up way late and tired kids can by cranky kids! And Shane's such an extrovert that around the cousins he's running on 150% his normal energy level and wearing everyone out! Nana spent one afternoon texting me that she'd make him exercise every time she caught him not using a Kleenex. 

Shane's missed the ability to visit everyone as much as he did during Virtual School.

He's fantastic with younger kids.....especially if they like to run while he roars!

While the kids (especially the boys) all love their electronics, Nana encouraged them to do lots of analog games, too. Here, they're playing Pictionary!

Cole likes arts and crafts type activities, too. He's good at them.

Shane's less interested, but he wants to be doing what everyone else is so he'll go with the flow!

Shane and Cole both like building things. 

They have mathematical minds, so maybe future engineers? Ka's one!

Nana and Pop took Shane and Cole with them to pick up Aunt Dot from the airport New Year's Eve. Dot had been visiting Patti and her side of the family in Texas. 

"There is something about a long car ride and a rest stop that moves Shane's bowels," Nana texted!

She said that she quizzed the boys on their states on the way home. "We pay 10 cents for each correct state just like we did when you and your siblings were kids. No inflation, lol."

Shane's geography could use some practice. He only earned $2.20.

Kathleen gave the girls haircuts while it was quiet.

She said she messed up a little on Tenley's bangs, but kid hair grows fast.

Which is a good thing if there's ever any oopsies. Nana had wanted to take Shane to a barber, but held off because he was a snot faucet. New Year's Day came and everywhere was closed! She and her friend Li gave it a go. 

I was just happy it's shorter. Carrie and I could always find a barber to fix things up once Shane got home if needed.

Nana and I talked and I asked to pick up Shane Sunday, Jan 2nd. Shane was eavesdropping, so I mentioned the possibility of picking him up earlier. Nana said he was incensed. He didn't see why he'd have to give up his "special cousin time" for anything! 

I'm glad Shane got to spend so much time with family. I wish we all lived closer together and we could do it more often. 

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