I just clipped Shane's fingernails again.
I was right. Those little suckers grow fast.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Who is This Genevieve Person Anyway?
Who is this Genevieve person anyway? And Chris? Who's that?
Since I've mentioned Genevieve in a few posts, I figure I should do a quick intro. She's someone who's important in Shane's life so far!
Genevieve is Carrie's good friend from work. Carrie is an office manager and helps manage volunteers for the state parks and Genevieve is responsible for the children's educational programming at the park Carrie's office is in. They've died their hair pink and hiked for the cure together, traded recipes and stories at work for three years now.
Genevieve has also been helping out with child care.
When Carrie was training horses, she needed someone to watch Shane during the week. Genevieve's peek times are the weekends, so she has off a couple of weekdays here and there. Carrie and I offered to pay her to come up, hang out with my wife and son, and then watch Shane so Carrie could go to her riding lessons. The money Carrie earned from the riding lessons went to paying Genevieve for the day.
It was a win-win as far as I was concerned. Genevieve's presence allowed Carrie to do something she enjoyed to earn the money to pay Genevieve. Then there was the added bonus that Carrie got to spend time with her friend while homebound with the boy!
The riding lessons have stopped, but Genevieve still helps out. While Carrie and I were on vacation, Genevieve and her fiancé, Chris, watched the cats and house for us at no cost. When we returned, my parents and Jama went to Beaumont to sort out affairs there. Kathleen covered the first two weeks of Shane-care, and then the third week Genevieve and Chris came up again. We ate dinner, played a card game, and the next morning Chris, Carrie, and I went to work while Genevieve took care of Shane. Genevieve then refused to let Carrie pay her for the help! How's that for a good friend?
Tonight, Genevieve and Chris visited again. My wife was feeling well enough to make a big Mexican meal for everyone tonight (chorizo with potatoes, and some sort of soup with beans, rice, chicken and tomatoes...I just know it was really good!).
In the morning, Carrie has a follow-up doctor's appointment in the morning. I suspect that she'll also try to sneak off to work for a while, because my wife never knows when to call it quits (I'd hire her).
Hopefully, Shane will be kind to Gen in the morning. I've been listening to him cough and re-position off and on as I write this. The boy's nose wasn't running as bad as yesterday, but congestion doesn't make for great sleep.
Since I've mentioned Genevieve in a few posts, I figure I should do a quick intro. She's someone who's important in Shane's life so far!
Genevieve is Carrie's good friend from work. Carrie is an office manager and helps manage volunteers for the state parks and Genevieve is responsible for the children's educational programming at the park Carrie's office is in. They've died their hair pink and hiked for the cure together, traded recipes and stories at work for three years now.
Genevieve has also been helping out with child care.
When Carrie was training horses, she needed someone to watch Shane during the week. Genevieve's peek times are the weekends, so she has off a couple of weekdays here and there. Carrie and I offered to pay her to come up, hang out with my wife and son, and then watch Shane so Carrie could go to her riding lessons. The money Carrie earned from the riding lessons went to paying Genevieve for the day.
It was a win-win as far as I was concerned. Genevieve's presence allowed Carrie to do something she enjoyed to earn the money to pay Genevieve. Then there was the added bonus that Carrie got to spend time with her friend while homebound with the boy!
The riding lessons have stopped, but Genevieve still helps out. While Carrie and I were on vacation, Genevieve and her fiancé, Chris, watched the cats and house for us at no cost. When we returned, my parents and Jama went to Beaumont to sort out affairs there. Kathleen covered the first two weeks of Shane-care, and then the third week Genevieve and Chris came up again. We ate dinner, played a card game, and the next morning Chris, Carrie, and I went to work while Genevieve took care of Shane. Genevieve then refused to let Carrie pay her for the help! How's that for a good friend?
Tonight, Genevieve and Chris visited again. My wife was feeling well enough to make a big Mexican meal for everyone tonight (chorizo with potatoes, and some sort of soup with beans, rice, chicken and tomatoes...I just know it was really good!).
In the morning, Carrie has a follow-up doctor's appointment in the morning. I suspect that she'll also try to sneak off to work for a while, because my wife never knows when to call it quits (I'd hire her).
Hopefully, Shane will be kind to Gen in the morning. I've been listening to him cough and re-position off and on as I write this. The boy's nose wasn't running as bad as yesterday, but congestion doesn't make for great sleep.
Muay Thai 9 and Patrick Rising
Two weeks ago, Patrick and I went to Muay Thai together. Coach Leo no longer coaches then.
Enter Coach Junior.
Coach Junior is the same guy I saw spar Coach Leo. He's only sixteen, but a total monster. I wouldn't be surprised to see him fighting in the UFC one day.
He's also a nice guy (it's funny how that happens).
This past Saturday, Shane and I were out hunting school buses. My boy was sick, so I was in total placate mode. I was also bored of the usual routine, so Shane and I went to our neighborhood's elementary school. Many drivers park their buses at local schools they live near by or are their last run for the day.
Shane and I were in the middle of 'oohing' and 'aahing' when Patrick texted, "Are you headed to class?"
On one hand, I was thrilled Patrick was awake and interested. On the other, I had a sick boy on my hands and no way to make it to class at a reasonable time.
I would have loved to have gone with my brother (and gotten our butts kicked together), but it was not to be. Patrick needs a few extra practices to catch up to me anyway! My brother said it was a particularly brutal practice at the end. Coach Junior had them doing push-ups in stages and one guy reached his limit and his arm's gave out. It probably would've been me if I'd been there!
I don't know when I'll get to go next. Something always comes up. For example, last Saturday Shane was sick, this past Monday Carrie was sick and went to bed early, and the Monday before that Coach had car trouble and had to cancel (plus, I think Carrie or Shane was sick to boot). One of my professional development classes for work is going to take place over several Mondays and rule out Muay Thai those days, too.
I'll get back out there one of these days.
Enter Coach Junior.
Coach Junior is the same guy I saw spar Coach Leo. He's only sixteen, but a total monster. I wouldn't be surprised to see him fighting in the UFC one day.
He's also a nice guy (it's funny how that happens).
This past Saturday, Shane and I were out hunting school buses. My boy was sick, so I was in total placate mode. I was also bored of the usual routine, so Shane and I went to our neighborhood's elementary school. Many drivers park their buses at local schools they live near by or are their last run for the day.
Shane and I were in the middle of 'oohing' and 'aahing' when Patrick texted, "Are you headed to class?"
On one hand, I was thrilled Patrick was awake and interested. On the other, I had a sick boy on my hands and no way to make it to class at a reasonable time.
I would have loved to have gone with my brother (and gotten our butts kicked together), but it was not to be. Patrick needs a few extra practices to catch up to me anyway! My brother said it was a particularly brutal practice at the end. Coach Junior had them doing push-ups in stages and one guy reached his limit and his arm's gave out. It probably would've been me if I'd been there!
I don't know when I'll get to go next. Something always comes up. For example, last Saturday Shane was sick, this past Monday Carrie was sick and went to bed early, and the Monday before that Coach had car trouble and had to cancel (plus, I think Carrie or Shane was sick to boot). One of my professional development classes for work is going to take place over several Mondays and rule out Muay Thai those days, too.
I'll get back out there one of these days.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Ring Resolution
Once upon a time, a certain Mike posted that his wife's rings were lost/stolen in a big blog post of several things.
Carrie filed a police report, contacted insurance, and we received a small sum of funds. My wife then proceeded to design her replacement rings. Apparently, there are jewelers will give you feedback and craft your custom rings at a reasonable price.

Have I mentioned how talented my wife is? She can design rings, make roses out of Play-Doh, and even design tattoos.
If Shane has any art talent, it's going to be from her side of things.
Carrie filed a police report, contacted insurance, and we received a small sum of funds. My wife then proceeded to design her replacement rings. Apparently, there are jewelers will give you feedback and craft your custom rings at a reasonable price.
Have I mentioned how talented my wife is? She can design rings, make roses out of Play-Doh, and even design tattoos.
If Shane has any art talent, it's going to be from her side of things.
This Will be Fun to Explain
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
The first time this happened, Shane grabbed the curtains and tripped over his toddler toilet. I re-bent the rod and called it a day.
Today, the situation was a little different. I was sitting on the closed toilet seat to prevent Shane from grabbing the (used) toilet brush.
He grabbed the curtains instead.
He almost tripped over the toddler toilet (again!), but I caught him in the nick of time!
"I'm not going to let that happen twice, son!" I said far more cocky than I should have been.
Shane pulled the curtains over his face. "Shane hide!" he giggled.
"I can still see your belly!" I laughed and poked Shane in the belly-button. "Tickle-tickle!"
Reflexively, Shane pulled down on the curtains to protect his belly.
Whoops. Mea culpa.
This will be fun to explain when Carrie gets home from work and the doctor's office!
Sunday, January 27, 2013
It's a Cold
Shane's got a virus that's running it's course right now. He woke up crying at 3:30 AM this morning and I could hear the drainage over the monitor. I went ahead and grabbed my pillow and plopped down in Shane's room. Shane probably would have gone back to sleep on his own, but since he's sick I decided to intervene.
The boy fell asleep quickly, but it was not the most restful slumber. He kicked and fidgeted and snorted down snot for the next three hours. I managed a few zzz's myself and my caffeine habit helped prop me up through the day.
The snot should disappear in a day or so. Shane's fever started Friday, but it was gone when he woke up from his nap. He was crankier than usual, but it's hard to be cheerful when you're forced to become a mouth-breather.
A virus here and there is just par for the course with parenting. Shane's building up his little immune system, so that he won't get anything really nasty later.
A New Variation of an Old Game
Shane and I were in the living room when he decided to play a new variation of an old game.
I was laying on the couch; my son was playing with his trucks.
Shane looked up, "Daddy sleep?"
Why not? I thought. "Daddy sleep!" I closed my eyes, threw out a fake snore for good measure, and then cracked one eye open to see what Shane was about.
Shane's eyes locked on my face. His body went rigid.
Then he grunted.
Then he grunted again.
I tried not to laugh. A few moments later (when the grunting subsided), I opened my eyes. "Daddy awake!"
"Daddy sleep?" Shane asked again.
Round two? "Daddy sleep!" I did my act and cracked an eye again.
This time, Shane wandered over to me and then started grunting again! A waft from round 1 floated it's way up to my nose!
If that was not funny enough, Shane started to lean in to wake me up with a kiss (he used to hit, but we've "trained" him to kiss Carrie as her wake up in the mornings). He was almost to my face when he sneezed. A clear dribble of snot hung down from his nose and decorated Shane's upper lift.
"DADDY AWAKE!" No kiss was necessary.
I was laying on the couch; my son was playing with his trucks.
Shane looked up, "Daddy sleep?"
Why not? I thought. "Daddy sleep!" I closed my eyes, threw out a fake snore for good measure, and then cracked one eye open to see what Shane was about.
Shane's eyes locked on my face. His body went rigid.
Then he grunted.
Then he grunted again.
I tried not to laugh. A few moments later (when the grunting subsided), I opened my eyes. "Daddy awake!"
"Daddy sleep?" Shane asked again.
Round two? "Daddy sleep!" I did my act and cracked an eye again.
This time, Shane wandered over to me and then started grunting again! A waft from round 1 floated it's way up to my nose!
If that was not funny enough, Shane started to lean in to wake me up with a kiss (he used to hit, but we've "trained" him to kiss Carrie as her wake up in the mornings). He was almost to my face when he sneezed. A clear dribble of snot hung down from his nose and decorated Shane's upper lift.
"DADDY AWAKE!" No kiss was necessary.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
My wife is not the only one in this house who can build with Play-Doh!
She's just the only one here who can do it well.
Carrie: "Is that some sort of deformed turtle?"
Me: "It's a garbage truck."
Carrie: "Deformed turtle?"
She's just the only one here who can do it well.
Carrie: "Is that some sort of deformed turtle?"
Me: "It's a garbage truck."
Carrie: "Deformed turtle?"
Friday, January 25, 2013
There are a few big blog posts I've started and scrapped multiple times. One about video games, one about being the poster child for ADHD (as Nana once called me) and I want to do another nostalgia post if I can ever narrow it down to one again.
Maybe I should try to write these things when I'm not ready to snooze.
Sorry! No magnum opus tonight!
Tough Day
I don't normally post this: but today was tough.
There was a scheduled meeting, an unscheduled meeting, a miss-communication, snow, kids going nuts because of snow, Shane's sick, a doctor's appointment, a dentist appointment, and I got puked on.
Now, this isn't going to be a whining post. It's going to be a "Damn, I guess marriage and parenthood does grow you" one. They both bring their own stresses and joys.
Stress is one of those things that can grind you down, but if you feel like you have a purpose or a goal you're working towards it keeps you moving.
Joy is the end of the day when everyone's asleep, you're full, you've blown up some orcs, and you have time to write a blog before turning in.
There was a scheduled meeting, an unscheduled meeting, a miss-communication, snow, kids going nuts because of snow, Shane's sick, a doctor's appointment, a dentist appointment, and I got puked on.
Now, this isn't going to be a whining post. It's going to be a "Damn, I guess marriage and parenthood does grow you" one. They both bring their own stresses and joys.
Stress is one of those things that can grind you down, but if you feel like you have a purpose or a goal you're working towards it keeps you moving.
Joy is the end of the day when everyone's asleep, you're full, you've blown up some orcs, and you have time to write a blog before turning in.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Poor Kathleen
It sounds like Kathleen and Stu are having trouble sleeping as of late.
When Cole was sick, they let him sleep in their bed. Now, he's doing better and they would like him to move back to his room.
Cole does not agree.
He's very vocal about his difference in opinion (as babies can be).
Kathleen asked me if it ever got to the point we had to let Shane cry it out. At first, I said no. Then I remembered one time Shane really challenged me in the middle of the night.
Hang in there, Ka! I know it sucks, but this too shall pass.
When Cole was sick, they let him sleep in their bed. Now, he's doing better and they would like him to move back to his room.
Cole does not agree.
He's very vocal about his difference in opinion (as babies can be).
Kathleen asked me if it ever got to the point we had to let Shane cry it out. At first, I said no. Then I remembered one time Shane really challenged me in the middle of the night.
Hang in there, Ka! I know it sucks, but this too shall pass.
Bedtime Prayers
It's easy to get lost in the routine no matter what you do. If you don't have down time to reflect, talk, and try to think then you don't change anything. You end up doing the same thing over and over.
One of my friends (another Mike), posted on Facebook that he was proud of his son. He was right to be proud, too. For the first time, little Lucas mentioned one of his daycare friends in his nightly prayer. Lucas is half a year younger than Shane.
It made me stop to think: Is Shane old enough to learn to pray?
I remember my family's nightly prayer as a kid. "God is great. God is good, and we thank him for this day. God bless....[insert list]...and everyone we love, amen." It was rote. It had a cant to it, but it was something we all did.
I decided to try and pray with Shane tonight after I laid him down. He stays awake and asks me, "Daddy sleep" every night, so it's not like he's snoring as I sneak out.
It was comical.
Shane thought I was about to sleep in the room with him and got really hyper. He threw himself down with a bounce on his pillow. He yelled "SHANE SLEEP!" and started fake snoring. "HAAAAWK SHOOOOO! HAAAAWK SHOOOOO!"
I gently prayed throughout (I couldn't remember my old childhood prayer at the time, so I ad-libbed it). Shane would jump up, yell "DADDY SLEEP!" and try to run off the bed. It was hard not to laugh on one level and on the other, I admit, I was a little annoyed and thinking "you need to sleep so I can have a break!" In my head, I was praying "Please let Shane go to sleep! Please let Shane go to sleep! Please?" Ha ha.
With most things in parenting, it feels like the first attempt never goes remotely as planned. I'll keep trying, though.
One of my friends (another Mike), posted on Facebook that he was proud of his son. He was right to be proud, too. For the first time, little Lucas mentioned one of his daycare friends in his nightly prayer. Lucas is half a year younger than Shane.
It made me stop to think: Is Shane old enough to learn to pray?
I remember my family's nightly prayer as a kid. "God is great. God is good, and we thank him for this day. God bless....[insert list]...and everyone we love, amen." It was rote. It had a cant to it, but it was something we all did.
I decided to try and pray with Shane tonight after I laid him down. He stays awake and asks me, "Daddy sleep" every night, so it's not like he's snoring as I sneak out.
It was comical.
Shane thought I was about to sleep in the room with him and got really hyper. He threw himself down with a bounce on his pillow. He yelled "SHANE SLEEP!" and started fake snoring. "HAAAAWK SHOOOOO! HAAAAWK SHOOOOO!"
I gently prayed throughout (I couldn't remember my old childhood prayer at the time, so I ad-libbed it). Shane would jump up, yell "DADDY SLEEP!" and try to run off the bed. It was hard not to laugh on one level and on the other, I admit, I was a little annoyed and thinking "you need to sleep so I can have a break!" In my head, I was praying "Please let Shane go to sleep! Please let Shane go to sleep! Please?" Ha ha.
With most things in parenting, it feels like the first attempt never goes remotely as planned. I'll keep trying, though.
Well, Dan and his friend can beat the best estimate by $1k, but they can't work this weekend. It would have to be next.
The heater works (albeit badly). It probably costs $15 a day to operate.
Go with the friend who's much cheaper, but wait and hope they're available?
Or go with a warranty that's more expensive, but immediate?
I need to pray on it.
The heater works (albeit badly). It probably costs $15 a day to operate.
Go with the friend who's much cheaper, but wait and hope they're available?
Or go with a warranty that's more expensive, but immediate?
I need to pray on it.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Baby Fingernails
I feel like I Shane sprouts a razor-blade on a weekly basis. I'm constantly trimming his nails.
Today, he had some scratch marks on his cheeks. I got his toenails yesterday, and it can't have been much more than a week since the last time I dulled his digits. I guess it the nails keep sprouting, because babies keep growing so quickly.
I remember being scared I'd chop off a finger tip when he was a baby, but I just grab him, turn on garbage trucks, and go to work nowadays.
I also remember a time when Shane's shit didn't stink, but that was long, long ago in a galaxy far away at this point!
Today, he had some scratch marks on his cheeks. I got his toenails yesterday, and it can't have been much more than a week since the last time I dulled his digits. I guess it the nails keep sprouting, because babies keep growing so quickly.
I remember being scared I'd chop off a finger tip when he was a baby, but I just grab him, turn on garbage trucks, and go to work nowadays.
I also remember a time when Shane's shit didn't stink, but that was long, long ago in a galaxy far away at this point!
Friends In the Know
As usual, my wife is the model of efficiency when she wants something done.
I'd been at work for less than half an hour when Carrie emailed me that she'd scheduled three estimates for the air conditioner and called a few door people, as well.
The first estimate (and the estimate of the estimator) was in my mailbox by 11.
Go, wifey!
The condenser on our A/C unit is frozen in the "always on" position. The heat pump is continuously running on 'emergency heat' and the whole system (including our water tank) is almost of legal drinking age. We knew we had a dinosaur on our hands from the home inspection, but I still thought it might last a couple of years (or until a good tax credit).
That's not the case, so we're going to have to move on this soon. The high today was in the 20's and I don't want another $300+ electric bill.
Thankfully, this is the "off season" for air conditioner repair. Companies are more interested in keeping their crews employed than gouging top dollars. The bids were pricey, but lower than I was expecting.
During the second bid, Dan came home.
It was hilarious.
Dan came in and listened in as the estimator gave Carrie a run-down of the situation.
That is, a grease-covered, work-uniform-clad Dan parked his company van with "Mechanical Contracting" emblazoned on the side came in and made the estimator sense competition. Carrie said he kept glancing Dan's way, and his estimate came in almost a grand and a half lower than the first!
Carrie was ready to pull the trigger on something tonight with a warranty, but I'm still looking at the bottom line. Frankly, I'm not a huge fan of warranties. I feel their nice to have, but that they rarely pay out if you pay extra in. I'd rather just gamble and go without.
Dan's going to check in with a work-friend who does installs on the side tomorrow. There's no warranty, but if the bottom line is way lower than the other guys I'm sold. The only problem could be availability. The company quotes could have people on site with all the equipment ASAP, while hiring through Dan would take time to procure the replacements and schedule a day off from their work to do our job on the side. If the weather was milder, I'd have no problem waiting. That cold front setting record lows in ND and MN has made it's way here, though.
Once I get the facts, I'll make my decision tomorrow.
I'd been at work for less than half an hour when Carrie emailed me that she'd scheduled three estimates for the air conditioner and called a few door people, as well.
The first estimate (and the estimate of the estimator) was in my mailbox by 11.
Go, wifey!
The condenser on our A/C unit is frozen in the "always on" position. The heat pump is continuously running on 'emergency heat' and the whole system (including our water tank) is almost of legal drinking age. We knew we had a dinosaur on our hands from the home inspection, but I still thought it might last a couple of years (or until a good tax credit).
That's not the case, so we're going to have to move on this soon. The high today was in the 20's and I don't want another $300+ electric bill.
Thankfully, this is the "off season" for air conditioner repair. Companies are more interested in keeping their crews employed than gouging top dollars. The bids were pricey, but lower than I was expecting.
During the second bid, Dan came home.
It was hilarious.
Dan came in and listened in as the estimator gave Carrie a run-down of the situation.
That is, a grease-covered, work-uniform-clad Dan parked his company van with "Mechanical Contracting" emblazoned on the side came in and made the estimator sense competition. Carrie said he kept glancing Dan's way, and his estimate came in almost a grand and a half lower than the first!
Carrie was ready to pull the trigger on something tonight with a warranty, but I'm still looking at the bottom line. Frankly, I'm not a huge fan of warranties. I feel their nice to have, but that they rarely pay out if you pay extra in. I'd rather just gamble and go without.
Dan's going to check in with a work-friend who does installs on the side tomorrow. There's no warranty, but if the bottom line is way lower than the other guys I'm sold. The only problem could be availability. The company quotes could have people on site with all the equipment ASAP, while hiring through Dan would take time to procure the replacements and schedule a day off from their work to do our job on the side. If the weather was milder, I'd have no problem waiting. That cold front setting record lows in ND and MN has made it's way here, though.
Once I get the facts, I'll make my decision tomorrow.
Monday, January 21, 2013
*ZAP!* Electric Bill
The electric bill came in much higher than anticipated. It was a little high over the summer, but it spiked in December. Now, it's even higher. The patio room has zip for insulation and the fan on the A/C unit is fused...
Well, the joys of home ownership. We knew we weren't done fixing up the house to our specs, but I was hoping to wait a little closer to spring break to do anything major.
Since Dan lives here and fixes large industrial systems, maybe we'll be able to come to a mutually-beneficial agreement of some sorts.
The electric bill came in much higher than anticipated. It was a little high over the summer, but it spiked in December. Now, it's even higher. The patio room has zip for insulation and the fan on the A/C unit is fused...
Well, the joys of home ownership. We knew we weren't done fixing up the house to our specs, but I was hoping to wait a little closer to spring break to do anything major.
Since Dan lives here and fixes large industrial systems, maybe we'll be able to come to a mutually-beneficial agreement of some sorts.
One Day....
One day I will master the art of pouring from an unopened CostCo milk container without some spilling.
Today was not that day.
Today was not that day.
Give me the iPad or give me death!
When Shane likes something, he loves it with a burning passion that tells him he must have it and he must have it now. Airplanes, balloons, horses, school buses, trains, TV, garbage trucks, tags on pillows/clothes, Indy, Nana, Pop-Pop, Grandpa, strawbabies, Mommy, "black car,"..... Shane has a lot of loves.
Nothing trumps the iPad.
I left it out last night.
This morning, Shane spotted it.
Nothing trumps the iPad.
I left it out last night.
This morning, Shane spotted it.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Sleep Beckons
Carrie was resting in bed, but Shane and I wanted to say good night. My wife ended up holding Shane while he drank his good-night bottle.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Mommy Games
Shane loves his mommy. He likes to wake her up every morning and wallow.
There's also a "Mommy only" game he plays with her.
Whenever Daddy tries to play hide and go seek, Shane tells me to hide and then never tries to find me!
"Where Mommy GO?"
Mommy installed the half-door herself. We've had one in each of our houses. Apparently, Carrie's got a thing for them.
Maybe she just really enjoys hide and go seek with Shane!
There's also a "Mommy only" game he plays with her.
Whenever Daddy tries to play hide and go seek, Shane tells me to hide and then never tries to find me!
"Where Mommy GO?"
Mommy installed the half-door herself. We've had one in each of our houses. Apparently, Carrie's got a thing for them.
Maybe she just really enjoys hide and go seek with Shane!
Poor Baby Cole
UPDATE: Kathleen and Stu took Cole for a follow up with a pediatrician. He did a quick check and said Cole has RSV. Apparently, he was surprised the first doctor (who wasn't a pediatrician) didn't do the quick check. Cole got a day or two of antibiotics, but since RSV is a virus he's just going to have to tough it out.
Kathleen watched Shane and Cole again yesterday. Cole wasn't feeling very well. He kept clinging to his mommy which made Shane jealous (my son is such an attention hound!).
It turns out Baby Cole has pneumonia; the poor kid.
Say a prayer for him to get better if you read this!
Kathleen watched Shane and Cole again yesterday. Cole wasn't feeling very well. He kept clinging to his mommy which made Shane jealous (my son is such an attention hound!).
It turns out Baby Cole has pneumonia; the poor kid.
Say a prayer for him to get better if you read this!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Car Ride Conversations
One of the things I want for my son is a relationship with his great-grandparents.
I have no memories of mine. There are pictures; there are stories. I'm in them, but they're not in me. It's always struck me as a little sad. They influenced my early life, and I know they loved me. It's clear in the stories and pictures, but I want something more for my son (maybe that's par for parenting).
I love efficiency, and traffic where I live is anything but efficient. There's nothing like staring at another car's bumper and playing "How Many License Plates Can I Memorize?" It doesn't take long to start imaging all of the wonderful things I could be accomplishing if I wasn't inching along the roadways.
Something I started doing after Shane was born that has really enriched my life is using my commute to call loved ones. I was never a big fan of talking about myself, but now that I have a son I always have someone I like to talk about.
Who better to call than Shane's great-grandparents?
I want Shane's great-grandparents up to date in my son's life, and I want him to know them when he's older. I also want to keep up with them, because (surprise!) they're my grandparents, too.
There's (in alphabetical order):
Grandma Lois (so as not to confuse her with Grandma Carrie's Mom. Maybe Gran-gran would be better?)
and Mom-Mom.
Grandma Lois is a Cornhusker fan and proud Nebraskan (aren't they all?). Jama is from warm and sunny Beaumont near the Gulf (and where I get my excitability from). Mom-Mom is Carrie's grandmother who lives in Montana. Her husband was extraordinarily tall and probably the reason Shane is such a large boy (I'm about the same size as Pop-Pop and we aren't giants). They have all led full lives and are full of stories.
Now that I've started calling on my commute, I wish I'd started earlier. I enjoy talking to my family. Plus, they're always willing to hear my Shane stories. That's what grandparents do! I don't always have my phone on me (or charged), but when I do I always feel like a quick call can change a boring commute into time well spent.
I have no memories of mine. There are pictures; there are stories. I'm in them, but they're not in me. It's always struck me as a little sad. They influenced my early life, and I know they loved me. It's clear in the stories and pictures, but I want something more for my son (maybe that's par for parenting).
I love efficiency, and traffic where I live is anything but efficient. There's nothing like staring at another car's bumper and playing "How Many License Plates Can I Memorize?" It doesn't take long to start imaging all of the wonderful things I could be accomplishing if I wasn't inching along the roadways.
Something I started doing after Shane was born that has really enriched my life is using my commute to call loved ones. I was never a big fan of talking about myself, but now that I have a son I always have someone I like to talk about.
Who better to call than Shane's great-grandparents?
I want Shane's great-grandparents up to date in my son's life, and I want him to know them when he's older. I also want to keep up with them, because (surprise!) they're my grandparents, too.
There's (in alphabetical order):
Grandma Lois (so as not to confuse her with Grandma Carrie's Mom. Maybe Gran-gran would be better?)
and Mom-Mom.
Grandma Lois is a Cornhusker fan and proud Nebraskan (aren't they all?). Jama is from warm and sunny Beaumont near the Gulf (and where I get my excitability from). Mom-Mom is Carrie's grandmother who lives in Montana. Her husband was extraordinarily tall and probably the reason Shane is such a large boy (I'm about the same size as Pop-Pop and we aren't giants). They have all led full lives and are full of stories.
Now that I've started calling on my commute, I wish I'd started earlier. I enjoy talking to my family. Plus, they're always willing to hear my Shane stories. That's what grandparents do! I don't always have my phone on me (or charged), but when I do I always feel like a quick call can change a boring commute into time well spent.
If being old means you quote annoying dad quotes, I've been old for a decade now.
Growing up, my dad used to always tell me to "Work smarter, not harder." I'm sure Pop-Pop always thought he'd slip it in at teachable moments, but as a teenager I remember it always coming at annoying ones.
You know, the moments when I probably should have listened.
The moment I started quoting my dad to my students, I knew I'd come full circle. Mark Twain was right.
I am a huge fan of efficiency.
Less effort for more work accomplished?
Yes, please!
I'm not always a great multi-tasker, but it's the only way to get things done with a child. It's like my Grandpa Vern always said, "It doesn't matter if you have one kid or more: they take all your time and what do you have but all your time?"
I'm looking forward to the day that Shane thinks of chores as games. Having fun getting stuff done: efficiency! We can play "Vacuum Warriors!" and "Load the Dishwasher for Blast-Off!"
I think my inner child just cringed.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Over the Hill
Carrie went to the doctor today. She almost didn't make it, too! I was supposed to be home by 3:30, but there was a parent phone call and a crying kid I stumbled across that delayed me. We ended up swapping Shane from car to car in the doctor's parking lot.
The doctor said Carrie is flu free. She has a sinus infection. Whatever was bugging her last week managed to morph and leave behind a present. After she got home, she went upstairs around six to take some meds and passed out. Shane and I rolled over to Wahlgreen's to pick up her antibiotics. I'll force her to take them before I lay down myself.
Sadly, I managed to pick up Carrie's cold. Sometimes it's hard to tell with my allergies. I shall survive.
I went back and updated my "To Be Deleted" post. It now speaks of the adventures Kathleen and Baby Cole had with Shane last week. She's going to be taking care of Shane tomorrow, so that my we-now-know-is-non-contagious wife wants to report back to work (whatever week she wakes up).
Also, Kathleen, if you're reading this, you may want to make sure I told the tale right. I'm old and I have a cold, so my memory could have gone fuzzy in a week. Thanks so much for the help while Nana Day Care is on vacation!
PS - If you have noticed, I'm trying to provide links to other related journals in my posts now. I'm trying to be more "pro" at this whole blogging thing.
The doctor said Carrie is flu free. She has a sinus infection. Whatever was bugging her last week managed to morph and leave behind a present. After she got home, she went upstairs around six to take some meds and passed out. Shane and I rolled over to Wahlgreen's to pick up her antibiotics. I'll force her to take them before I lay down myself.
Sadly, I managed to pick up Carrie's cold. Sometimes it's hard to tell with my allergies. I shall survive.
I went back and updated my "To Be Deleted" post. It now speaks of the adventures Kathleen and Baby Cole had with Shane last week. She's going to be taking care of Shane tomorrow, so that my we-now-know-is-non-contagious wife wants to report back to work (whatever week she wakes up).
Also, Kathleen, if you're reading this, you may want to make sure I told the tale right. I'm old and I have a cold, so my memory could have gone fuzzy in a week. Thanks so much for the help while Nana Day Care is on vacation!
PS - If you have noticed, I'm trying to provide links to other related journals in my posts now. I'm trying to be more "pro" at this whole blogging thing.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Shane and I went to the gym/church today. He was home with a sick Mommy all day, so I figured a little socialization would be good for him.
I was sleepy, too. I figured some exercise would help wake me up enough to make it through Shane's bed time.
I would like muay thai to become my workout, but it feels like something always comes up. Saturday, Carrie was sick and sleeping. Monday, Carrie was sick and went up to lie down early and one of Shane's toys managed to gouge a chunk out of my big toe.
cal·trop noun \ˈkal-trəp, ˈkȯl-\
1: a device with four metal points so arranged that when any three are on the ground the fourth projects upward as a hazard
SEE "Children's toys on the floor" or "four-sided dice"
Long story short, Shane was chasing me around the house with a toy chain-saw (how redneck is that?). He dropped it in the bathroom when a curtain caught his fancy. He grabbed the curtain and managed to trip over his training potty.
Down came the curtain!
I came back to fix it after Shane was sleeping. I stood on the toilet to reach and managed to jump on the chain-saw when I finished. Oops. The dang thing got me pretty good, too.
Anyway, Shane and I went to church, he got to be rambunctious with other children, and I did just enough of a workout to not feel like a sedentary bum.
I was sleepy, too. I figured some exercise would help wake me up enough to make it through Shane's bed time.
I would like muay thai to become my workout, but it feels like something always comes up. Saturday, Carrie was sick and sleeping. Monday, Carrie was sick and went up to lie down early and one of Shane's toys managed to gouge a chunk out of my big toe.
cal·trop noun \ˈkal-trəp, ˈkȯl-\
1: a device with four metal points so arranged that when any three are on the ground the fourth projects upward as a hazard
SEE "Children's toys on the floor" or "four-sided dice"
Long story short, Shane was chasing me around the house with a toy chain-saw (how redneck is that?). He dropped it in the bathroom when a curtain caught his fancy. He grabbed the curtain and managed to trip over his training potty.
Down came the curtain!
I came back to fix it after Shane was sleeping. I stood on the toilet to reach and managed to jump on the chain-saw when I finished. Oops. The dang thing got me pretty good, too.
Anyway, Shane and I went to church, he got to be rambunctious with other children, and I did just enough of a workout to not feel like a sedentary bum.
Why Advertise?
About once a year, I throw up a quick post on Facebook mentioning I have a blog. This year, I had to do it in a round-about way since Facebook won't allow me to post blogger links.
I'm not writing this blog for income or fame, so why bother?
Writing is communication. You're writing to an audience whether it's large or small. You're writing to strangers, your family and friends, or even to a future you. My audience began as only yours truly, but has grown to include family and (hopefully) my son when he's older. My wife checks up on my blog, too, so hopefully she gets a little more insight into her sometimes stoic, sometimes hyper husband.
I advertised, because why not? I'm not going to shout from a hilltop every time I post, because I feel that's overly attention-seeking. If someone reads one of my posts and considers the time well spent then I feel blessed. Whether they gain insight about me and my family, have a laugh, or pick something else up, that's great.
So, hopefully if you stumbled upon this you enjoyed your time and if not, sorry! There are no refunds.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Kiddie Food
Why are goldfish so addictive? Vanilla wafers and animals crackers are laced with something awesome, too.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Sicky Weekend
It's been a sicky week/weekend. Shane was sick Thursday and Friday. Carrie had a fever that started on Thursday, too.
Thankfully, my wife toughed it out and I didn't use any sick leave. I went to work as usual, and took over whenever I got home. Grades were due on Friday, so it would've been a terrible time to be away.
In short: Carrie napped a lot, and Shane and I played this weekend. She went to bed early on Friday, took a nap after a shower Saturday morning, and then laid down with Shane when he woke from a nap after only forty minutes. Shane woke up forty minutes later, but Carrie didn't!
I heard Shane talking and moving around on the intercom, so I made a bottle and went up to great my recently awoken wife and child. My son had turned on the night light and was crawling around on the bed, but Carrie was zonked! She twitched as I scooped up the boy and he yelled "Bye, Mommy!" She must have been exhausted.
Shane and I built (and he tried to break) the Veggie Tale train-set Nana and Pop got him for Christmas, while my wife rested.
I hope she'll be feeling better tomorrow. She's got the boy and I've got work.
I really hope that everyone will be healthy by Wednesday. Kathleen is bringing Baby Cole down again for a play-date/child-sitting. Kids need to get sick to build up their immune system, but a sick baby is even less fun than a sick toddler.
Thankfully, my wife toughed it out and I didn't use any sick leave. I went to work as usual, and took over whenever I got home. Grades were due on Friday, so it would've been a terrible time to be away.
In short: Carrie napped a lot, and Shane and I played this weekend. She went to bed early on Friday, took a nap after a shower Saturday morning, and then laid down with Shane when he woke from a nap after only forty minutes. Shane woke up forty minutes later, but Carrie didn't!
I heard Shane talking and moving around on the intercom, so I made a bottle and went up to great my recently awoken wife and child. My son had turned on the night light and was crawling around on the bed, but Carrie was zonked! She twitched as I scooped up the boy and he yelled "Bye, Mommy!" She must have been exhausted.
Shane and I built (and he tried to break) the Veggie Tale train-set Nana and Pop got him for Christmas, while my wife rested.
I hope she'll be feeling better tomorrow. She's got the boy and I've got work.
I really hope that everyone will be healthy by Wednesday. Kathleen is bringing Baby Cole down again for a play-date/child-sitting. Kids need to get sick to build up their immune system, but a sick baby is even less fun than a sick toddler.
It's the Things You Don't Teach Them..
It's the things you don't teach your kids that amaze.
Every parent tries to teach their kid how to say "Mama," and "Dada," and how to do different things, but whenever your child does the unexpected it strikes home how far they've come (and that they're really becoming their own little person).
The first times I remember Shane shocking me were with his alphabet and counting. Carrie got a huge surprise when Shane scaled a counter and gave himself an impromptu bath in a sink.
Yesterday, Carrie held Min so that Shane could rub his face all over her (as he likes to do). Min was a good sport, but when she finally slipped away Shane ran in pursuit. "WAIT, MIN! WAIT, MIN!"
Carrie and I laughed. Shane knew what 'wait' meant and he used it! We were surprised, but it made sense. We both tell Shane to wait all the time (and he's not very good at it!).
Today, Shane upped the ante.
Shane and I were laying on Carrie and I's bed after we woke up Mommy. The bedroom door wasn't shut all the way, and Min pushed her way through. Min's 'my cat,' so I called out and she bounced over and vaulted up next to me.
Shane was delighted. He scrambled off Carrie. Min saw trouble coming and exited as quick as she'd come.
Shane called out. "Min! *smck!* *smck!*" He was mimicking me! He couldn't do my Min-call, so he was making some sort of kissing/air-sucking noise instead!
Carrie and I bust out laughing. Shane clamored off the bed and ran after the cat. "MIN! *Smck!* *Smck!*"
I need to get a video of Shane doing his Min-call so I can post it. He did it for Nana on the phone, so he's fully learned it. No coaching was necessary.
It was a cute moment. I'm not sure I'll ever find the proper onomatopoeia to textualize Shane's sound, but I wanted to etch it down. It was a nice way to start the morning.
Every parent tries to teach their kid how to say "Mama," and "Dada," and how to do different things, but whenever your child does the unexpected it strikes home how far they've come (and that they're really becoming their own little person).
The first times I remember Shane shocking me were with his alphabet and counting. Carrie got a huge surprise when Shane scaled a counter and gave himself an impromptu bath in a sink.
Yesterday, Carrie held Min so that Shane could rub his face all over her (as he likes to do). Min was a good sport, but when she finally slipped away Shane ran in pursuit. "WAIT, MIN! WAIT, MIN!"
Carrie and I laughed. Shane knew what 'wait' meant and he used it! We were surprised, but it made sense. We both tell Shane to wait all the time (and he's not very good at it!).
Today, Shane upped the ante.
Shane and I were laying on Carrie and I's bed after we woke up Mommy. The bedroom door wasn't shut all the way, and Min pushed her way through. Min's 'my cat,' so I called out and she bounced over and vaulted up next to me.
Shane was delighted. He scrambled off Carrie. Min saw trouble coming and exited as quick as she'd come.
Shane called out. "Min! *smck!* *smck!*" He was mimicking me! He couldn't do my Min-call, so he was making some sort of kissing/air-sucking noise instead!
Carrie and I bust out laughing. Shane clamored off the bed and ran after the cat. "MIN! *Smck!* *Smck!*"
I need to get a video of Shane doing his Min-call so I can post it. He did it for Nana on the phone, so he's fully learned it. No coaching was necessary.
It was a cute moment. I'm not sure I'll ever find the proper onomatopoeia to textualize Shane's sound, but I wanted to etch it down. It was a nice way to start the morning.
No PreSchool Fools
Last night, I hauled the printer downstairs and Carrie went to work. She installed the sucker, printed up a bunch of forms, and then filled them out.
Shane's going to pre-school next year.
I can hardly believe it.
No, it's not that I can hardly believe Shane's going to preschool (or that it's affordable). I can't believe that we signed up for a September preschool in January. Shane's first day is over nine months away.
I have to give credit where it is due: Carrie really led the push on this. Preschool was sort of on my radar, but aside from looking up several places and saying "Geez, this is expensive!" I hadn't given it too much thought. My wife is the researcher in the family. I'm just glad to know that it worked out, and Shane is signed up.
We're shooting for a two/three-year old combo class. Our logic is: Shane's big, and he seems pretty bright (to his biased parents). The older kids would be closer to his size and more advanced for him to emulate.
Our challenge will be potty training. The combo class requires it.
Guess what we're going to be working on this summer?
Shane's going to pre-school next year.
I can hardly believe it.
No, it's not that I can hardly believe Shane's going to preschool (or that it's affordable). I can't believe that we signed up for a September preschool in January. Shane's first day is over nine months away.
I have to give credit where it is due: Carrie really led the push on this. Preschool was sort of on my radar, but aside from looking up several places and saying "Geez, this is expensive!" I hadn't given it too much thought. My wife is the researcher in the family. I'm just glad to know that it worked out, and Shane is signed up.
We're shooting for a two/three-year old combo class. Our logic is: Shane's big, and he seems pretty bright (to his biased parents). The older kids would be closer to his size and more advanced for him to emulate.
Our challenge will be potty training. The combo class requires it.
Guess what we're going to be working on this summer?
Friday, January 11, 2013
My Talented Wife
My wife made me a homemade calzone and a rose made out of playdough.
Can you say "multi-talented?" I know I'm loved!
(I also now know that Carrie gets creative when bored and there's play-dough around!)
Sick Boy
Shane's been a sick boy.
He woke up with a fever on Thursday. The fever has persisted today, but he's acting a lot better now that Carrie helped 'clear him out.'
It's ironic. Nana told me Indy scared her by withholding poop until it petrified and exploded out. The next day, Shane had a fever and we noticed he hadn't had a bowel movement for a day. Normally, he's as regular as the tax man.
I've hard of sympathy pains, but sympathy constipation?
If Shane's feeling better tomorrow, I'm not going to question anything.
He woke up with a fever on Thursday. The fever has persisted today, but he's acting a lot better now that Carrie helped 'clear him out.'
It's ironic. Nana told me Indy scared her by withholding poop until it petrified and exploded out. The next day, Shane had a fever and we noticed he hadn't had a bowel movement for a day. Normally, he's as regular as the tax man.
I've hard of sympathy pains, but sympathy constipation?
If Shane's feeling better tomorrow, I'm not going to question anything.
A Belated Congratulations
Shane's newest cousin, Nathaniel, was born on Monday! He weighed in at 5 lbs!
We've been getting news updates through Grandma and Grandpa.
Shane has lots of boy cousins! That should make for some fun rough-housing when they're all older.
We've been getting news updates through Grandma and Grandpa.
Shane has lots of boy cousins! That should make for some fun rough-housing when they're all older.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Ka Takes the Helm!
Shane got to visit Nana's house today, but a surprise was in store.
Nana wasn't there.
Aunt Kathleen and Baby Cole were!
My sister drove hour and half from her home to Nana's house, so that Carrie could go to work. We are very grateful! Kathleen wanted to see what it was like to have two kids causing trouble simultaneously. She wants to take the plunge from one baby to more (I'd say two, but twins happen!). We were happy to supply Shane for a trial run.
I called Ka on my home from work to check in. It sounded like she had an awesome time. She was laughing, telling stories, and I really enjoyed hearing from her.
There's something special about hearing other people talk about your child. When I'm so close to Shane every day and tired from running around taking care of him, some of the magic in his quirks is hidden by the immediacy of his needs. When I watch him draw out an "awwww" or hear about his adventures second hand, a joy and a pride in my son bubbles up.
Shane wanted the door unlocked.
"Shane, say the magic word," I prompted.
"Shane, say the magic word," I prompted.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
That Boy Is Crafty
I swear, Shane's a clever little dude.
Lately, he's been taking reeeeaaaallly long to drink his goodnight bottle.
The only thing is: he isn't really drinking. He just holds it in his mouth and when I try to pop it out he pops it right back in. If the level of liquid in the bottle was dropping, it'd be one thing. I'm sure the toot is stalling.
Shane's fallen asleep quickly the past couple of nights. I lay him down, he says "Daddy sleep?" I tell him I love him and I'll see him in the morning and make my exit. There's a minute or two of protest and Shane's out like a light.
He almost tricked me yesterday, though. I shut the door; Shane protested as usual. This time, he stopped protesting after a few moments and said, "Poopy?"
I stopped in my tracks. A poop diaper would lead to a rash in the morning. I couldn't let him marinade all night long. However, the little stink had just been in my lap and I can normally sniff out a poop diaper from 10 yards away.
The little stink was lying.
I called his bluff (with much trepidation) and found a clean butt come morning.
It's impressive how wily Shane is getting for a kid his age. It always amazes me when I meet parents of teenagers who think "My child would never lie to me!" Working angles, splitting parents, and attempting to get their way comes naturally to children.
Kids learn by pushing boundaries and making mistakes. Parents shouldn't hold it against their kids. It's our job to be aware of it, enforce rules, and turn mistakes into learning moments.
Shane's already started, but I'm on to him!
Lately, he's been taking reeeeaaaallly long to drink his goodnight bottle.
The only thing is: he isn't really drinking. He just holds it in his mouth and when I try to pop it out he pops it right back in. If the level of liquid in the bottle was dropping, it'd be one thing. I'm sure the toot is stalling.
Shane's fallen asleep quickly the past couple of nights. I lay him down, he says "Daddy sleep?" I tell him I love him and I'll see him in the morning and make my exit. There's a minute or two of protest and Shane's out like a light.
He almost tricked me yesterday, though. I shut the door; Shane protested as usual. This time, he stopped protesting after a few moments and said, "Poopy?"
I stopped in my tracks. A poop diaper would lead to a rash in the morning. I couldn't let him marinade all night long. However, the little stink had just been in my lap and I can normally sniff out a poop diaper from 10 yards away.
The little stink was lying.
I called his bluff (with much trepidation) and found a clean butt come morning.
It's impressive how wily Shane is getting for a kid his age. It always amazes me when I meet parents of teenagers who think "My child would never lie to me!" Working angles, splitting parents, and attempting to get their way comes naturally to children.
Kids learn by pushing boundaries and making mistakes. Parents shouldn't hold it against their kids. It's our job to be aware of it, enforce rules, and turn mistakes into learning moments.
Shane's already started, but I'm on to him!
A Sub Tale
My sub from yesterday, Stan, was the sub for one of my co-teachers today. His wife works at my school, and he's one of the high quality subs who will do special ed. Before school started, he walked up to me to say, "Hi."
"Hey, Mike! It's a funny story how I got to sub for you yesterday. Have you heard?"
I had not.
Apparently, another teacher in the building had contacted him to sub for her.
She never put it in the computer system.
Stan showed up, and the front office gave him the "Why are you here?" look. Another sub had already shown up for the job Stan had been contacted about. Oops.
Thankfully, there was the opening for yours truly! The front office ladies signed him up for the job, and I had coverage I could trust not to cause a catastrophe.
Then, Stan said something along the lines of "I was a little worried when they said it was for you. You've had some tough kids in the past, but these guys were great!"
I had to grin. I always like the kids I work with, but Stan's right: they're normally a handful. The crop of kids this year are really nice. They have trouble with the material, but I vastly prefer to be an encourager/helper than a knuckle-cracking drill sergeant. The admin is cracking down and putting test scores under the microscope, but that's not something a sub would experience. I bet I can get Stan to sub again this year now that's he's met the kids. Maybe I'll take a personal day in March or April.
"Hey, Mike! It's a funny story how I got to sub for you yesterday. Have you heard?"
I had not.
Apparently, another teacher in the building had contacted him to sub for her.
She never put it in the computer system.
Stan showed up, and the front office gave him the "Why are you here?" look. Another sub had already shown up for the job Stan had been contacted about. Oops.
Thankfully, there was the opening for yours truly! The front office ladies signed him up for the job, and I had coverage I could trust not to cause a catastrophe.
Then, Stan said something along the lines of "I was a little worried when they said it was for you. You've had some tough kids in the past, but these guys were great!"
I had to grin. I always like the kids I work with, but Stan's right: they're normally a handful. The crop of kids this year are really nice. They have trouble with the material, but I vastly prefer to be an encourager/helper than a knuckle-cracking drill sergeant. The admin is cracking down and putting test scores under the microscope, but that's not something a sub would experience. I bet I can get Stan to sub again this year now that's he's met the kids. Maybe I'll take a personal day in March or April.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Muay Thai 8 - Oof
I got to go to class today after all. Shane crawled on the couch next to Carrie and she handed over the pickle. It was the first time he got his mitts on it today, so he was stoked.
He probably never realized I was gone. It was that easy to slip out.
Class was another matter. I nearly hurled my cookies at the end. I had to crouch and work at slowing my pulse while Coach was giving the wrap-up talk. That's how you know I was honest on the drills.
He probably never realized I was gone. It was that easy to slip out.
Class was another matter. I nearly hurled my cookies at the end. I had to crouch and work at slowing my pulse while Coach was giving the wrap-up talk. That's how you know I was honest on the drills.
Sick Days
Last night, I mentioned that Carrie went to bed feeling sick.
She woke up feeling like crap, too. Carrie "I think I have the Flu" McWifey asked me to stay home and help. Normally, Shane would be at Nana's and I could go to work, but Nana Day-Care is unavailable.
I was planning on using a sick/personal day for childcare purposes at some point this month, but I thought it was going to be a pre-planned, sub-arranged, room cleaned, and lesson plans printed sort of deal.
Oh well. Sick leave is for unplanned absences anyway. It's my third absence this year, so I'm not overusing it.
I go a little nuts if I stay around the house all day, so Shane and I went out on some pre-nap adventures.
First, Shane "Escalator Crazy" McToddler made me ride the escalator a dozen times at the sporting goods store. I figured I owed the store a buck for the free rides and bought a mouthpiece for the next time I go to Muay Thai. I wanted to go tonight (since I haven't been for more than 20 minutes since the sparring), but that doesn't seem likely now.
Next, Shane and I went to the pet store on the way home. We looked at birds, rats (Remy!), puppies, and stuck our fingers in fish tanks when Dada moved too slow. Sadly, the hobby store was closed, or we would have poked around some toy trains, too.
We were out long enough and had enough fun that Shane went down for his nap before 1 PM. He wanted me to stay with him, but I politely told him "see you later" this time. He was a little mad for about 3-4 minutes before zonking out.
Now, I get to check work email and blog. I'm always a little paranoid about staying home when I should be at work. I want to compulsively check the work email when I stay home, but if I get near the computer Shane demands to see garbage trucks on YouTube.
Anyway, that's the scoop for now. I pray that Carrie will feel better tomorrow, so that I can go back to work.
She woke up feeling like crap, too. Carrie "I think I have the Flu" McWifey asked me to stay home and help. Normally, Shane would be at Nana's and I could go to work, but Nana Day-Care is unavailable.
I was planning on using a sick/personal day for childcare purposes at some point this month, but I thought it was going to be a pre-planned, sub-arranged, room cleaned, and lesson plans printed sort of deal.
Oh well. Sick leave is for unplanned absences anyway. It's my third absence this year, so I'm not overusing it.
I go a little nuts if I stay around the house all day, so Shane and I went out on some pre-nap adventures.
First, Shane "Escalator Crazy" McToddler made me ride the escalator a dozen times at the sporting goods store. I figured I owed the store a buck for the free rides and bought a mouthpiece for the next time I go to Muay Thai. I wanted to go tonight (since I haven't been for more than 20 minutes since the sparring), but that doesn't seem likely now.
Next, Shane and I went to the pet store on the way home. We looked at birds, rats (Remy!), puppies, and stuck our fingers in fish tanks when Dada moved too slow. Sadly, the hobby store was closed, or we would have poked around some toy trains, too.
We were out long enough and had enough fun that Shane went down for his nap before 1 PM. He wanted me to stay with him, but I politely told him "see you later" this time. He was a little mad for about 3-4 minutes before zonking out.
Now, I get to check work email and blog. I'm always a little paranoid about staying home when I should be at work. I want to compulsively check the work email when I stay home, but if I get near the computer Shane demands to see garbage trucks on YouTube.
Anyway, that's the scoop for now. I pray that Carrie will feel better tomorrow, so that I can go back to work.
Without a (Child) Care
Shane frequently asks, "Go see Indy, Pop-Pop, Nana, Jama?" It's quite a mouthful for him, and the enunciation isn't perfect, but you know exactly what's he's asking.
Shane loves them all, too.
"Sorry. Indy, Pop-Pop, Nana and Jama are on vacation."
So begins the longest month for child care. The usual crew (listed above) are in Beaumont. Last week, Genevieve watched Shane so Carrie could work on Wednesday. This week, my amazing, generous, kind, awesome, sister, Kathleen, has volunteered to drive down with her baby and watch Shane on Wednesday.
That will cover two weeks! Carrie's parents said they would come up one day and I have some teacher workdays coming up, too.
It just goes to show that the most useful thing for any family with kids is reliable childcare.
Which also explains why it's so expensive around here. All the childcare places know how badly they're needed! Carrie and I are so thankful we have family in the area (and ones close enough who don't mind travel). It's a real blessing.
Shane loves them all, too.
In addition, to wanting to see the four musketeers, Shane saw a picture of Grandpa on the iPad. "Where Grandpa go? See Grandpa?"
As I said, we've been blessed with good help.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Bedtime Conversation
Shane's eyes stayed open as he finished his bottle. He drank slowly, as if he was trying to prolong the moment.
Shane's eyes stayed open.
The bedtime song was long finished. I wrapped the boy up in my arms, gave him a big squeeze, and then stood up with him.
Shane's eyes stayed open.
I carried my son into his room and laid him down on his race car bed.
Shane still looked up at me.
I gave him a kiss on the forehead and gently mussed his hair.
"Dada sleep?" my son asked. His big brown eyes searched my face.
"Shane sleep." I said.
Shane didn't like my answer. "Dada sleep, too?"
I paused. Little eyes peered straight into mine.
"Dada sleep in Mama's room."
There's a fine line between loving and enabling. Shane doesn't like to go to sleep on his own, but he can. Self-soothing is a necessary skill.
"Dada sleep, please?" Shane asked again.
I tried to switch the subject. "Do you want the light on or off?" I reached up to Shane's night-light turtle. When I said 'off,' I turned the light off. Originally, we thought Shane's reluctance to sleep at night could be a fear of the dark.
"Light on." Shane said.
I turned the light back on. "Ok. Shane sleep."
"Dada sleep, please?"
Those baby eyes looked into mine and bored in. I don't know what I saw in them, but my heartstrings had been played masterfully.
"Ok. Dada sleep. I'll go when Shane sleep."
I laid down next to Shane and he gleefully flopped on his belly as I pulled the covers over him. I left my hand on his back and gave him a rub for reassurance. Shane kept his eyes open at first. Eventually, they lidded and closed.
My mind worked as I lay. This was the first real conversation with my son. Oh, we give each other directives all the time. Shane would tell you I don't listen well when he demands the pickle, and I would tell you that he doesn't always like to hear "Time to change your diaper."
This was the first time I felt like Shane and I were really...negotiating. I know he didn't fully understand everything I said. I threw in the "I'll go when..." more for my sake than his. I didn't want to out-right lie to my son and say "I'll sleep here" and then wander off.
Baby eyes would crack open whenever I moved. I got up to turn off the fan when it felt too cool, but stayed as still as I could after that. I listened for Shane's breathing and said my prayers to myself to help pass the time usefully.
After about half an hour, Shane's breathing became deep and rhythmic. I slowly shifted my weight and crawled out of bed.
My son was sleeping. My job was done.
I went to check on Carrie. She'd gone to bed early feeling sick. I peeked my head in, and she was asleep with the lights on. I'd guessed that my wife had passed out earlier, so when Shane started negotiating I figured that no one was waiting on me to do anything. With Carrie asleep, it's not like I could move the laundry without waking her. I turned off the lights. Carrie stirred and we talked for a moment before I slipped out again.
My conversation with Shane felt like something special tonight. I wanted to write it down before I forgot it. There are already so many moments I don't preserve. This felt like one that needed to be.
Tonight, my son wanted me to be with him. We talked it over and I watched over him as he went to sleep. In the morning, I'll greet him when he wakes up. Until then, I hope he dreams soundly knowing he's loved.
Goals Update 2013
I would like to add one more goal to my resolutions: to brush my teeth more. (Ew, right?)
Ever since I knocked up Carrie, my teeth brushing habits have deteriorated. I went the first 27 years of my life cavity free, and brushing every morning and night. Then, as Carrie grew more uncomfortable in her pregnancy, I found myself waking up to attend to one of her needs instead of my morning routine. At night, she'd often fall asleep before me and if she was sleeping fitfully I wouldn't want to risk waking her by brushing. I still brushed, but my steady routine was broken.
Next came Shane. If my routine was disturbed by Carrie being pregnant, a baby in the house pulled the pin on the grenade and blew the sucker up. Now, I was waking up every morning to Shane's demands, losing sleep at night, and trying to use the little free time I had for things I wanted to do more than brushing my teeth.
It took several years of slack habits, but I had my first cavities ever last August.
Nana was horrified.
This is the woman who once laid down, in her bathrobe, behind my car as a teenager to prevent me from leaving with unclean teeth. I had some tea staining on my bottom front teeth over the summer, too, that she called 'hobo teeth!'
I can't help but wonder if Nana is cringing (or cheering!) as she reads this.
Ever since I knocked up Carrie, my teeth brushing habits have deteriorated. I went the first 27 years of my life cavity free, and brushing every morning and night. Then, as Carrie grew more uncomfortable in her pregnancy, I found myself waking up to attend to one of her needs instead of my morning routine. At night, she'd often fall asleep before me and if she was sleeping fitfully I wouldn't want to risk waking her by brushing. I still brushed, but my steady routine was broken.
Next came Shane. If my routine was disturbed by Carrie being pregnant, a baby in the house pulled the pin on the grenade and blew the sucker up. Now, I was waking up every morning to Shane's demands, losing sleep at night, and trying to use the little free time I had for things I wanted to do more than brushing my teeth.
It took several years of slack habits, but I had my first cavities ever last August.
Nana was horrified.
This is the woman who once laid down, in her bathrobe, behind my car as a teenager to prevent me from leaving with unclean teeth. I had some tea staining on my bottom front teeth over the summer, too, that she called 'hobo teeth!'
I can't help but wonder if Nana is cringing (or cheering!) as she reads this.
Like a Hawk!
Shane's visual acuity continues to impress me. If there's something he's interested in, he finds it. Period.
Yesterday, we were at the grocery store. Carrie stood in line with the cart and I ran the Shane rodeo. This mainly consisted of Shane running up and down isles and me running up and down isles after him. The only stops were at the water fountains (for a messy sip from each) and at the customer service counter.
Every time we lapped the store, Shane pointed at the customer service desk, shouted "SCHOOL BUS!" and tried to duck behind the counter.
The boy is fast, but not that fast yet. I picked Shane up in a jiffy.
Shane shouted and writhed as I wrangled him out of the employee area, "SCHOOL BUS! SCHOOL BUS! SCHOOOOL BUSSS!"
I scanned the area, but I did not see anything that was toddler high-interest. The customer service people grinned. They enjoyed the show.
The second time around, I looked harder. Shane pointed and yelled "Do you see? SCHOOL BUS!"
And he was right.
There was a school bus magnet on the register in the far corner. Shane could only see it, because he was partially around the counter. Otherwise, it would have been too high up and blocked by the lip of the counter. I don't know if he saw it when I carried him by once, or if he spotted it in the immediate moment I allowed him to poke his head around the first time.
My boy has eagle eyes.
I picked Shane back up and walked over to the register Carrie finished at. It was time to go home. One of the customer service people walked over to me and handed Shane a bus magnet like the one on the register. Shane was enthralled. This is why I will keep going back to this Harris Teeter. Shane's loud and she must have realized what he was pointing at.
It was a kind gesture. I thanked her for it, and made a mental note to post the story online. You're getting a twofer in one today! A kind act by a stranger, and a post about my boy.
Every time we lapped the store, Shane pointed at the customer service desk, shouted "SCHOOL BUS!" and tried to duck behind the counter.
The boy is fast, but not that fast yet. I picked Shane up in a jiffy.
Shane shouted and writhed as I wrangled him out of the employee area, "SCHOOL BUS! SCHOOL BUS! SCHOOOOL BUSSS!"
I scanned the area, but I did not see anything that was toddler high-interest. The customer service people grinned. They enjoyed the show.
The second time around, I looked harder. Shane pointed and yelled "Do you see? SCHOOL BUS!"
And he was right.
There was a school bus magnet on the register in the far corner. Shane could only see it, because he was partially around the counter. Otherwise, it would have been too high up and blocked by the lip of the counter. I don't know if he saw it when I carried him by once, or if he spotted it in the immediate moment I allowed him to poke his head around the first time.
My boy has eagle eyes.
I picked Shane back up and walked over to the register Carrie finished at. It was time to go home. One of the customer service people walked over to me and handed Shane a bus magnet like the one on the register. Shane was enthralled. This is why I will keep going back to this Harris Teeter. Shane's loud and she must have realized what he was pointing at.
It was a kind gesture. I thanked her for it, and made a mental note to post the story online. You're getting a twofer in one today! A kind act by a stranger, and a post about my boy.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Ninja Cat
Max (also known as "Little Cat") was a ninja in her previous life. It's the only explanation. She is always appearing in unexpected places.
It was a familiar scenario. It was night, Carrie was asleep with the TV on, and I needed to sneak in to bed. The light of the TV guided my maneuver to the dresser without causing a clatter. I reached for the pajama drawer when movement in the drawer below caught my attention. I couldn't see what it was until a little black-furred head rose and the light from the TV shone across a pair of feline eyes. Max gave me a hello blink from inside the T-shirt drawer.
She would've stayed in there all night quite happy if I hadn't guided her out. We have a "no cats in the bedroom" rule for my allergies.
Originally, we tried to keep the cats out of Dan's room in the basement since he's mildly allergic, too. Dan gave up when Max kept lurking outside his door every morning. He'd open the door half asleep and Little Cat would be inside in a heartbeat.
Anyway, our littlest cat is a stealth feline extraordinaire. Thankfully, she does a good job of holding her little bladder, too. She won't mew, so when she does manage to sneak into somewhere off the road it sometimes takes a while to find her. I think she spent a full day in the linen closet at the townhouse once.
It was a familiar scenario. It was night, Carrie was asleep with the TV on, and I needed to sneak in to bed. The light of the TV guided my maneuver to the dresser without causing a clatter. I reached for the pajama drawer when movement in the drawer below caught my attention. I couldn't see what it was until a little black-furred head rose and the light from the TV shone across a pair of feline eyes. Max gave me a hello blink from inside the T-shirt drawer.
She would've stayed in there all night quite happy if I hadn't guided her out. We have a "no cats in the bedroom" rule for my allergies.
Originally, we tried to keep the cats out of Dan's room in the basement since he's mildly allergic, too. Dan gave up when Max kept lurking outside his door every morning. He'd open the door half asleep and Little Cat would be inside in a heartbeat.
Anyway, our littlest cat is a stealth feline extraordinaire. Thankfully, she does a good job of holding her little bladder, too. She won't mew, so when she does manage to sneak into somewhere off the road it sometimes takes a while to find her. I think she spent a full day in the linen closet at the townhouse once.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Originally, I intended to edit my goals post tonight. Instead, Dan, Sharlene, Carrie and I ended up playing Dominion and talking after Shane went to sleep. It was a ton of fun. I love European style board/card games or anything that requires strategy and interaction.
The only downside was too much fun equals no time to write. I basically posted my goals as they were when I drafted them on vacation.
It's better than not posting at all!
The only downside was too much fun equals no time to write. I basically posted my goals as they were when I drafted them on vacation.
It's better than not posting at all!
Goals for 2013
Last year's goals were to:
1. Update my blog more - ACCOMPLISHED!
2. Figure out my next career step - SORTA ACCOMPLISHED (still applying, but happy where I am)
3. Invest - ACCOMPLISHED! (I bought a house)
4. Practice my Spanish - NEGATIVE!
With that in mind, I've come up with some new goals for 2013.
1. Update my blog more - ACCOMPLISHED!
2. Figure out my next career step - SORTA ACCOMPLISHED (still applying, but happy where I am)
3. Invest - ACCOMPLISHED! (I bought a house)
4. Practice my Spanish - NEGATIVE!
With that in mind, I've come up with some new goals for 2013.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Codename: Pickle
Shane's so nuts for the iPad we cannot even say it's name in his presence. If we do, he starts to chant "iPad! iPad? iPad, please! iPad PLEEEEEASE!"
The boy will not take 'no' for an answer. He's incredibly in love with that thing. It's impressive how easily he navigates through it to find exactly what he wants ("Green Garbage truck!") and also worrying for me how addicted he can be. The boy will not relinquish it once he has it.
Carrie and I have taken to using a codename for the iPad. Carrie suggested 'Pickle' and it stuck.
"Honey, did you hide the pickle?"
"The pickle is charging!"
The boy will not take 'no' for an answer. He's incredibly in love with that thing. It's impressive how easily he navigates through it to find exactly what he wants ("Green Garbage truck!") and also worrying for me how addicted he can be. The boy will not relinquish it once he has it.
Carrie and I have taken to using a codename for the iPad. Carrie suggested 'Pickle' and it stuck.
"Honey, did you hide the pickle?"
"The pickle is charging!"
Sensory Play
I don't post enough pictures with my wife.
Shane enjoys sensory play. It started with him unrolling coffee bags, and evolved into "Daddy grabs all of the spices." We sit and unscrew the tops to take a whiff of each one. So far, Shane's favorite is clearly the cocoa (cinnamon and coffee are probably the close seconds). Shane only sniffs for a split second before he wants to move on to the next scent.
I wanted to get a picture, and I wanted to show Carrie Shane and I's new game so it worked out perfectly when I took a picture of her and the boy with the spices. I was smart enough to wait until the end of the game, because we all know how gaga Shane goes for the iPad.
Bedtime Boy
Shane's learned a new way to protest bedtime: he calls out for "Daddy."
It's cute and heart-wrenching at the same time.
I can easily ignore a fakey-whine, but a whiny boy who calls for me? It is a lot harder. The boy is changing the rules to the game. It's amazing how clever little children can be to get what they want.
At the moment, the boy is a little spoiled from Grandma and Grandpa's. They would sit with him until he fell asleep (partly out of necessity since the light switches in the room were low enough for him to reach). Shane doesn't want to give that up. He wants me to lay down in his bed until he zonks and to be there in the morning. He's a very social boy, isn't he?
Still, it's not going to happen. All of the books mention how important it is for a child to learn to self-soothe. Thankfully, Shane tends to drop off pretty quickly. He doesn't like going to bed alone, but he'll do it. We have a bunch of night-lights in the room, comfort objects, and some new Lightning McQueen bedsheets to keep it homey. It could be worse. When they were babies, Nana and Pop-Pop had to stick the twins in their room, let them run around (playing or protesting), and then would go back in to relocate them to their beds once they passed out.
It sounds like Shane is done protesting and sleeping soundly as I finish this. He'll be up and ready to play in the morning as usual!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Happy New Year!
The Adventures of Carrie, Mike, and Shane have leaped into a new year!
New Year's Eve included a jump start and trip to a Volvo dealer, a long road trip, a visit to my parent's, and a 'welcome home' from Genevieve and Chris (they were house/cat-sitting). Carrie ended up feeling sick and going to bed early, but someone's dogs and fireworks woke Shane around 11:57 PM.
Don't worry, though! Shane ended up falling back asleep in a few minutes without any aid from Dada. The crying woke Mama up for long enough to kiss Dada when the clock ticked into a new year. We promptly fell back asleep afterwards.
Today has been a relaxing day. It makes me not want to go back to work tomorrow!
Genevieve and Chris spent the day with us and went to breakfast with my family. Nana and Pop-Pop have been playing shuttle to and from the airport that's right by us. It's been a day of friends, family, a happy baby, and a happy wife (and therefore a very happy Mike). We even got to learn how to play Dominion (Matt and Renee's Christmas present!). Carrie cooked, I got to play some XCom and give Shane a bath, and Genevieve is going to take care of Shane tomorrow so that Carrie can go to work.
I did not get much writing done today, but I worked on a draft Resolutions/Goals post while in Florida. I'll post it in a day or two. For now, I ought to go to bed so I can figure out what to do with my classroom in the morn.
Happy 2013, all.
New Year's Eve included a jump start and trip to a Volvo dealer, a long road trip, a visit to my parent's, and a 'welcome home' from Genevieve and Chris (they were house/cat-sitting). Carrie ended up feeling sick and going to bed early, but someone's dogs and fireworks woke Shane around 11:57 PM.
Don't worry, though! Shane ended up falling back asleep in a few minutes without any aid from Dada. The crying woke Mama up for long enough to kiss Dada when the clock ticked into a new year. We promptly fell back asleep afterwards.
Today has been a relaxing day. It makes me not want to go back to work tomorrow!
Genevieve and Chris spent the day with us and went to breakfast with my family. Nana and Pop-Pop have been playing shuttle to and from the airport that's right by us. It's been a day of friends, family, a happy baby, and a happy wife (and therefore a very happy Mike). We even got to learn how to play Dominion (Matt and Renee's Christmas present!). Carrie cooked, I got to play some XCom and give Shane a bath, and Genevieve is going to take care of Shane tomorrow so that Carrie can go to work.
I did not get much writing done today, but I worked on a draft Resolutions/Goals post while in Florida. I'll post it in a day or two. For now, I ought to go to bed so I can figure out what to do with my classroom in the morn.
Happy 2013, all.
Nostalgia: Foot in my Mouth
Have you ever thought something in your head, said it out loud, and then everyone else in the room heard something different?
This happens in my family more often than most. Nana and I are the most common victims of 'crowd misconceptions.'
My classic example goes back to when I taught at an Alternative Learning Center (aka: all the kids were expelled from public school). My last year at the ALC, I taught an online at-your-own-pace Algebra I course for 8th graders. There were only five boys in the class, so I got to know them well. I really liked my motley crew.
This happens in my family more often than most. Nana and I are the most common victims of 'crowd misconceptions.'
My classic example goes back to when I taught at an Alternative Learning Center (aka: all the kids were expelled from public school). My last year at the ALC, I taught an online at-your-own-pace Algebra I course for 8th graders. There were only five boys in the class, so I got to know them well. I really liked my motley crew.
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