Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Crimson Footsteps

I looked at the deck to do a "mud check."

It's a simple procedure. If there are lots of muddy paw prints, it's a safe bet Roxy needs her feet wiped before she redecorates the house.

Imagine my surprise to see blood.

Roxy was happily oblivious. She wasn't limping, whimpering, or acting anything other than thrilled to see me. She threw up a paw when I let her inside and left a bloody streak down my arm.

A quick inspection showed a cut paw-pad. Carrie figured out that Roxy had been digging somewhere in the yard some old tile must have been covered over.

This all happened right before Carrie was supposed to go to work by the way. That's about the normal timing for these sort of things (as any parent can attest). Carrie called in to tell them she'd be a little late, and then called the veterinarian while I loaded Shane and Roxy into the car.

We caravaned to the vet's. Carrie said goodbye after we checked in and then it was me and the troublemakers. 

First, Roxy's weight is up. She's 50 lbs now. Second, the vet only needed to see us for a few minutes. He glued the cut shut, said "it'll open up later! Watch the carpet!" and then we were done. Since Roxy was a rescue, they didn't charge us for the office visit! Very nice!

Hopefully, Roxy won't aggravate her paw chasing Indy around tomorrow. She's scheduled to go to my parents with Shane and I don't want her bleeding all over my parents' house. Shane played with her non-stop tonight and she didn't spill (much) blood, so there's a chance it's healing up quickly. I was tired watching them! He's really bonded to her.

I hope the glue bonded equally well!

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