Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Strikes Again

White gripped my yard again. I looked out the window this morning and it appeared my home had sunk a foot into the ground as the snow swallowed it. Far more precipitation than I expected. Everyone seemed so prepared for a blizzard I had wondered if the storm would be a "God laughs at the plans of men" moment.

First priority was to let the dog out. Shane slept in until after 7 AM, so Roxy had to be crossing her legs and hoping for relief by the time we stopped looking out his bedroom windows in awe. My son, ever helpful, let her out of her crate before I had put shoes on or figured out exactly what the plan of action was. Roxy banged and jumped around. The racket could have woken up Carrie, so I opened up the front door. I didn't even have time to put on shoes.

Roxy was thrilled. Normally, I'd worry that Roxy (smart as a box of rocks) would have run into the street or off into the sunrise/sunset (depending on the time of day). Today, I figured the snow was too deep for her to sprint off too quickly.

I'm glad I thought to film Roxy's plunge. Dogs in the snow are hilarious. She wanted to run out every 5 minutes for the rest of the day.

It was a great day. Snow days always have the feel of a gift around them. Weekends are a planned respite with laundry, dishes, and other chores that didn't fit into the workweek on the docket. As long as the power's on, snow days are a clean white landscape and a suddenly clear calendar. I hope that anyone in need found their way to a hypothermia shelter or a friend's house before the storm hit.

Carrie, Shane, and I stayed in for most of the day. I was on Shane-duty while Carrie cooked. Shane normally helps me feed Roxy, but he decided to help feed Max today, too.

After nap, Shane and I went outside to play in the snow. 

He "helped" me shovel some, but alas, there was too much snow to tackle with one shovel. Shane's little shovel was somewhere in the yard. Unfortunately, that same yard was covered with a foot of snow. With (or in spite of) Shane's assistance I cleared a path from the house to the street and we met up with Daniel and his parents. The boys marveled as Daniel's mom made a snowman, they wiggled their butts to make snow angel butt-marks, and slid down a snow-covered slide.

Round 2 is tonight. There's only another couple of inches predicted, but I already know there won't be school tomorrow. I am getting a little tired of missing school and racking up days to make up. I even heard a few students complaining on Wednesday, "ANOTHER snow day?" (You know it's serious when some of the kids whine about snow!)

Carrie cooked sukiyaki for dinner and we all watched some Winter Olympics before Shane went to bed.

Like I said: it's been a good day. Thank you, God. I'll remember feeling blessed now when I'm tempted complain about making the day up later and hopefully I'll keep it in perspective.

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