Monday, February 17, 2014

Voice Acting Attempts

One of Shane's favorite, low-Daddy energy games involves me speaking for his toys.

Shane loves it. Once he starts 'bonding' with a toy, he wants to drag it (and me) everywhere. His interest is indefatigable.

My interest wanes while Shane's waxes. I have to start coming up with my own little games to keep myself zoned in.

Naming, for instance. I like to name and give a recurring personality to the toys Shane has me animate.

Meet Francis T Garbage Truck, "HUA!" He's an ex-ranger trash truck who's hauled trash in the most dangerous parts of the world.

You can call him, "Frank" for short.

The red garbage truck missus is Bertha. She was partially inspired by Frank Oz's description of Mrs. Piggy.

They seem to have become related in some way to every other garbage truck in the house. Who knew they were so close?

Shane's really the one who keeps driving the game. He remembers the names. He'll introduce new toys and he'll try to come up with his own names, too. One truck was named something pronounced in some alien baby tongue. I could never reproduce the name to Shane's satisfaction. We compromised. "Mr. Green Garbage Truck" stuck.

Carrie laughs, because I'm horrible with voices. My wife studied some drama and has talent. She says I have three voices: Me, me trying to sound like a girl, and me trying to sound like a man.

I don't know what that rates my normal voice as!

Ok, my wife never said that. Her jaw probably dropped as she read that, but I can't remember any of her actual jests and that line fit the self-deprecating humor bill I was looking for. It helped me to end on a joke, too.

Now look at my son wrestling with a puppet. Isn't he cute?

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