Thursday, June 19, 2014

Farewell, Roxy

Do you know how I know my wife loves me?

Ever since January and the shedding of the puppy coat, Carrie is nauseous around Roxy. She avoids being in the same room as the dog.

Carrie thought she was crazy at first. End of April, she started researching. Some pregnant women develop an aversion to dogs. For some the change is temporary, for others permanent.

Guess which one Carrie is.

Carrie called the doctor and the doctor verified it was possible. She mentioned that something similar happened to someone she knew. Carrie asked about medical options and was told, "We can't fix your nose."

Pregnancy can do some funky things.

My wife used to be a veterinary tech at a referral and critical care for animals. She professionally wrangled dogs of all shapes and sizes.

And yet if Roxy is in the same room as her she starts gulping down vomit.

Carrie toughed it out this far, but it's reached that point. We even tried prescription shampoo from Roxy's vet.

It was a clear call.

I knew going in that Roxy may not be with us for the long haul. I hoped, but I learned from Brogan. That time, I did not expect to have a dog. I was caught completely by surprise. I bonded fast. Then when it didn't work out I was hurt. I believe that you stick it out and eventually you adapt, like it or not. Brogan was only with us for 2 months, so when it came time to make the decision I wondered: Had we waited long enough?It was. Returning Brogan was the right call.

With Roxy, it's been 7 months.

Carrie REALLY loves me.

My wife was worried about me getting upset, so she was hesitant to broach the subject. We talked it over and agreed on a course of action. That's what you do. The past experience and that were both similar in our thoughts helped.

What we haven't decided is what to tell Shane. He really likes Roxy. I don't know if he's really bonded-bonded with her, but he does think she's fun at times. Other times he tries to lock her in her cage.

Nana mentioned we could tell Shane Roxy needed to go to a home with another dog to play with. Maybe we'll take that route. She really does need help getting her energy out!

She'll go back to her trainer, so that's a good solution for now. Roxy is a good dog, but she does have some issues to work on. Last week, she yanked Carrie off her feet on the leash when she saw a neighborhood dog. Carrie said she was airborne on all four legs. That's with a muzzle-leash combo. Roxy gets so over-excited/stimulated it's like she turns off her brain. Maybe the trainer can help with that.

She's really a sweet dog. I took a final video of Shane chasing her before bed on Monday night.

Roxy is a little mouthy when she doesn't have a toy to hold, but she lets Shane cover her eyes and climb on her back without a sound.

We'll miss Roxy, but it's for the best. I pray that she finds the right family. I'm sorry we were not it.

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