Monday, October 27, 2014

Festival Filled Weekend


Shane's daycare threw a fall festival. Admittance was free and Carrie loves an opportunity she can get to flex her creative muscle.  She volunteered our car and dressed it up real nice. 

Shane loves any excuse to dress up. He suited up as a fireman while Carrie put the finishing touches on the Volvo.

And then Shane immediately dressed down to test out the moon bounce.

Maybe I should get Shane an astronaut costume for next year. He could bounce in character!

The coat, ax, and helmet went back on after a bit. Dressing up can be fun! Plenty of kids came in costume, but we were the only family to all dress up!

Shane channeled his fire-fighter spirit and asked for a dalmatian paint job at the face painting station.

He was nervous when he saw his teacher, at first. I think he was afraid we'd leave him or make him do work, but he got over it very quickly.

In the next room, we found a friend, Ganeet! Ganeet and her mom were decorating pumpkins. Shane gushed. He cheered and ran over to her. Toys flew off shelves and the kids had a blast.

Carrie and I introduced ourselves to Ganeet's mom. She grinned ear to ear as Shane called "Ganeet! Ganeet!" and led her around to toy after toy. Ganeet happily chased after. I love that they are friends! I tell Shane that it's our job from God to be kind and friendly to everyone and I think it's wonderful he and Ganeet are friends.

Eventually, Ganeet and her mom moved on to the next activity. Shane and I stayed so that he could decorate a pumpkin with one of his teachers.

At 12:30, Trunk or Treat season began.

I'm not convinced teaching little kids to go up to strangers' cars for candy is the best life lesson, but we had a lot of fun trunk or treating. I manned the car until it became apparent that no one else was.

Then we ate hot dogs.

Then we watched Shane run up a flight of stairs and go down a slide 1,000,000,000 times with Ganeet.

There was a cake walk, too. A chocolate cake was added to our booty, yarrrrr. I'm not worried about the calories for Shane. He ran so much he sweat off his face paint.

He napped well. When he woke, Shane and I went out for Round 2: The community fall festival!

We went fishing for ducks (you were only supposed to catch one)...


and again!

There was ANOTHER moon bounce,

...and the firefighters unofficially voted Shane winner for "Best Costume." I had no idea real firemen and EMTs would be at the festival!

Shane wanted to look at the real version of his plastic axe. Daddy nixed it.

I distracted him by letting him hop into the ambulance. He's really enjoyed those.

After a full day, we still weren't done. Aunt Kim came over for a visit! Shane loved seeing her. He woke up the next morning calling for "Auntie Kim" over the intercom.

It was a very busy night! There's a lot going on this week, as well. It may get too busy to post, so I HAD to get this up tonight! We had a great Fall weekend. This is a fun time of year!

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