Saturday, October 4, 2014

The World is Our Playground

It was another sick weekend for Carrie... Shane and I spent the morning out of the house. 

I wanted to pay off a $20 dentist bill and save the postage, but they were closed (Google lied). There was no sense in wasting a trip by hopping back in the car, though. 

There was plenty of interesting architecture to explore. The sun was shining and the temperature was in the mid to upper 60s - toddler running weather.

And Shane did run.

He's much better at the running than the hiding (Thank God).

Speaking of God, we found a church nearby.

I taught Shane how to shimmy around the pillars.

I wonder if he's going to ask to be disappointed there are no pillars at our church tomorrow.

We crossed the street to walk on a wall next. I asked Shane if he wanted to climb up and he said, "Um, I don't think so."

So I stuck him up on the wall, anyway.

Then we found some ladybugs.

I basically had Shane do everything I would have done if he wasn't around. Bugs and walking on walls, for the win!

When Carrie took an afternoon nap, Shane and I went out again. This time, we found a playground.

It's definitely Fall. I tried to stand in the sun when I could to keep warm (ME! The sunburn king!).

Hopefully, Carrie feels better by tomorrow. I'd like to go to church as a family. Carrie gets sick and hurt a lot. Most of the time, it's from an accident (of which Shane, Carrie or myself could easily be at fault), and/or exhaustion (she works hard). Last weekend it was a low-grade fever and headache. This time she has chills and nausea. That sounds less like exhaustion and more like a bug or bad food. Her fever is too low grade to be a flu.

Both Carrie and Shane are sound asleep now. I should probably head up myself. The later I stay up the earlier the following morning starts. Proven time and time again to be true!

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