Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sunday Sermon Thoughts: Perhaps Today

Today's sermon was on Matthew 25:1-13.

It's late; I'm tired; This will be brief.

This long and short of it is: Live prepared.

In the parable of the Ten Bridesmaids only five brought extra oil. When the groom runs late, five find themselves short. When they go to find more oil the groom comes. When they return, the door is locked and they may not enter.

Jesus ends the parable saying, "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour."

The pastor went on to talk about historic wedding traditions. The parable sounds harsh to the modern world, but would have been seen differently in an age passed.

The story brings up a question: "Are you ready if Jesus returned?"

How are you living your life? Would you live it differently if you knew Jesus was returning at the end of the week? Tomorrow? Today? If you don't believe in Jesus, what if you knew the world was ending?

I liked when Pastor Brett mentioned he had a professor who used to sign his emails "Perhaps today."

Personally, I believe the Bible was literal God promised Abraham his descendants would outnumber the stars in the sky. I think that human will take to space. I think we will spread and live out amongst the stars. Why would God create such a vast universe if we weren't supposed to explore it a little?

The again, I'm not God, so there's a good chance I'm wrong, too.

I believe that attitude of living life prepared is necessary. I believe that God doesn't want us to sit around and wait for Armageddon. He wants us to go out and live our lives each and every day, but do it in a way that if everything were to end we wouldn't be found wanting or full of regret.

I don't want to regret staying up all night tomorrow, so I think I'm going to call it here.

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