Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Play Time

I left work earlier today. I stopped at home before grabbing Shane. The plan was to do a little packing and then pick him up early. I accidentally fell asleep instead. The power nap (30 mins) did give me more energy than usual to play tonight.

Shane made me do voices until I was hoarse. Frank, Bertha, Chuck Garbage, and Jose caught many boulders and crushed them in their hoppers. Rocket provided the music. 

Then he made music in the kitchen. He's a percussion wonder on the vacuum. Shane provided the vocals and I made the garbage trucks dance. 

Later, I needed a rest. I took a fishing break.

My favorite moment was when I tricked Shane to let go.

Me: How many fingers do you have?

Shane: 10!

Me: Can I see them?

Mwa ha ha!

This happened later.

I get bored of things much quicker than Shane does. I try to spice things up or surprise him when my interest wanes.

We finished the night with a little reading in bed.

The extra time at home and nap really helped. I even cooked mac and cheese. Most of the single dad nights so far involved a very tired me, an episode of TV, and less active play.

Of course, now I have to stop posting and start packing and cleaning. Friday is almost here.

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