Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wrestling: Senior Night

Shane attended our final dual meet Wednesday. I picked him up from school early, and took him out for dinner. He didn't eat as much as I hoped. He was too excited by the trashcan.

There was a ledge on the window behind it he could climb up on. It was far too stimulating to chew.

The high school proved even more exciting. If Shane was hungry, it was pushed out of mind. There were lockers to climb in!

All Shane's idea. If I tried to open the locker, he got mad and closed it. Several wrestlers thought it was hilarious. One filmed Shane shutting himself in after I tried to spring him. Shane and I are probably on a vine somewhere. Adam (the wrestler in the photo) jumped into a locker next to Shane. Shane loved it. Another wrestler tried to slap their padlock on Adam's locker. I stopped it. Adam would have been fair game if he wasn't entertaining my son! 

In the gym, Shane wanted to sit at the top.

He came down when he saw all the wrestlers/playmates at ground level.

Shane tackled everyone in sight. "I know how to wrestle!" he said.

It turns out most wrestlers are really good with kids.

Shane loves them.

He told me he wants to wrestle. I'd love to teach him.

Shane also told me that he's the best wrestler and doesn't need to listen to anyone. I told him that wouldn't work! "The best wrestlers have to listen and learn, so they get better every day!"

I'm not sure he bought it.

I watched Shane until the JV matches started. He ran up down and all around! When it was time to coach I threw him in the stands and asked/told a group of wrestlers to fork over a phone. When I came back, Shane had mooched off a granola bar and was on his second or third device! He ended up with his own fan club.

Shane didn't care/realize when I finished coaching the JV. I sat in front of him and watched the first Varsity matches.  The girl (whom I don't know) had some Paw Patrol on her phone.

Shane hopped down the seats to ask me for more Paw Patrol later. I resumed my fatherly duties.

Even cell phones can't keep Shane still forever, though. It was senior night, so several families of wrestlers were in attendance. Shane made some friends behind the bleachers.

When they went back to sit with their parents, Shane hunted them down. He's not shy!

Shane had a fun night. He got a lot of attention and enjoyed every moment of it. I enjoyed watching him play and my boys wrestle. We crushed our opponents. Less than a handful of guys lost all night. I actually started to feel bad for our opponents. We left at 8:30 PM as our defending state champion dominated the final match of the night. Shane fell asleep in the car.

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