Saturday, October 24, 2015

Still Kicking

Another Saturday, another soccer practice. It's work to be consistent! Everyone else must have felt that way, too, because there were only six kids when we arrived. 

A couple more showed up late, but the team looked undermanned to start.

The skill of the day: Passing. Coach Cory and Coach Dave asked everyone to work on their L-kicks (you use the side of your foot). Coach Dave pointed out "Most of you have stripes on the side of your shoe. Kick with those!'

I saw what he meant immediately. Shane did to for the first few kicks. Then he started to think outside of the box.

After all, there were strips on both sides of his shoes.

Backward kicks were next.

Which his partner thought was hilarious.

They had a great time. Their L-kicks didn't improve much, but they ruled out several other styles of footwork as ineffective.

Less important than the kicking was that Shane was able to practice with a partner on something the coaches assigned. I want him to learn how to be a team player and group minded more than I want him to be a soccer star. If he does get a professional contract and take care of Carrie and I in our old age it'd be a bonus, though.

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