Sunday, February 19, 2017

Gorgeous Weekend

Is it really winter? I think the trees are confused. Cherry trees were blooming. Max enjoyed a sunbeam.

Shane and I met up with Dylan and Eli at a CSA (Community Sponsored Agriculture).

There were bunnies.

The boys ran around, played hide and seek, and generally enjoyed the awesome weather.

When we weren't outside or at Jump, Shane built his largest track to date.

It looped around the whole main floor.

Note the library book he picked out with Grandpa last week.

I've almost tripped several times, but the track is too awesome to make him break down.

Dylan stopped by after church on Sunday and he was mesmerized.

Krista and Carrie traded bread loaves. That made me happy!

Shane and I spent most of our time outside, though.

We weren't the only ones.

No one really hung out in the circle while the weather was cold, so it was nice to see people again.

Henry liked to retrieve the drone for Shane.

Porch couch got a workout. My arms started to get a slight sunburn while we were waited for Nana and Pop to arrive.

I'll save that post for Monday.

Happy Winter-Spring (Spinter? Sprinter? Winting?)

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