Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Wrestling Awards Banquet

Officially done for the season. I probably should have given a speech.

The principal asked me about maybe coming to teach a basic wrestling unit in PE. Some of my connected parents volunteered support from the local clubs. I doubt it will happen (largely because my students don't tend to do any work unless I'm present), but it was nice to see the amount of caring all around.

I'm trying to get something set up at the 5th and 6th grade school, but so far they're not very responsive. I emailed before the season was done and it took 3 weeks to here back from the principal. Now I'm bothering their after school specialist(s).

I might have missed my window of opportunity. The previous principal was an ex-wrestler and had a kid who wrestled, but they moved back to PA.

Of course, my own energy is pretty depleted. I've sent emails, but I haven't taken the next step of calling and showing up to make myself obnoxious. That'll be next after I recover.

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