Friday, February 10, 2017

Old Letters

Pop's old letters are a lot of fun to read. Nana's on him to transcribe more (and even checks his progress when he takes bathroom breaks).

I love all the old stories.

I can't help, but compare them to what I do.

First, each letter covers a much longer period of time than any post I make. I wonder how many of my posts would read if they were condensed down to a sentence. Diapers really, really expand with water. Either at the pool or in the washer. At least, it didn't get tangled in a knot of bras. Also, don't let your kid lock you out of the house. Shane managed that. PS - The dog decided that only good fence is one that can be vaulted over. Our fence is a good one.

Second, there's no worry about who's reading the letter. Pop knew his audience and was free to vent if he thought it appropriate and/or entertaining. Since I post my stuff online, I try to write in a way that I could care less who stumbles upon it. Some of that reflects that my own beliefs: I believe it's more powerful to focus on the positive and the learning. Challenges happen and make great stories, but if I need to vent I do it in person. Anything posted online can live beyond it's context and audience. I want my words to build, not wound.

Just something I was reflecting on.

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