Sunday, September 3, 2017

Air Show No Show


Aw, crap...

I've been wanting to go to the air show ever since I heard about it. Carrie wanted to look at a trailer nearby and I said, "Let's go! the air show and then your trailer!" She agreed, I said, "God works in mysterious ways," and then the air show was closed after all.

Still, God works in mysterious ways. Carrie hopped out of the car and invited Shane to play mushroom baseball.

Despite his initial trepidation, it was a hit.

It would have been fun to see the show, but the day turned into an exercise in making the best of things. Carrie was on the phone the whole ride up talking with trailer people and found a better deal and rig than the one we were supposed to look at. We turned around, hit up the Moo Through, and started back home.

But not without a few stops first. We dropped by Target in Culpeper and picked up school supplies for Shane's classroom.

It was on our list of "things we've meant to do."

Carrie picked up a bunch of cheap water in case the next hurricane swings SC's or our way. I wasn't worried, but for 10 gallons for $8 if she wanted to have extras to help our neighbors just in case I didn't mind.

Then, we played.

The story felt oddly empty to me. I grew up with NOVA stores. When we shifted to Cville, the stores were the same size, but less occupied. It felt relaxed. Culpeper was another downshift altogether. Maybe that's not always the case, but their community board was near empty.

I don't expect a small store to be packed, but when there's a large Target with a Walmart across the way it felt odd.

Carrie bought a $4 tennis ball and velcro mitt kit we took to a local park. Shane tried to throw the mitt with the ball.

The results were less than spectacular.

Side note: Open carry country. It's nothing new, and I even agree with it in some circumstances. The idea of carrying a gun to a nearly empty playground so your five year old can play is weird to me. 

The velcro pads turned out to be super strong. Shane had trouble wrenching the ball off whenever he caught it.

The other two boys wanted to join in. Carrie was already playing, so I stood to the side and enjoyed the show.

She faded off when the mosquitoes discovered her. We didn't stay for too long.

Our last stop of the day was Downtown Culpeper. I wanted to check out the FLGS while it was half a mile away. Unfortunately, it was closed (a running theme).

There was some sort of beer festival in the park we could hear music from. However, we had already turned a failed trip into a something and it was time to go home. Culpeper is roughly an hour north for us. It's not a bad drive, but not one I'd want to make daily either.

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