Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Greensboro Science Museum

After soccer, Shane showered and we drove to Greensboro, NC with Mom to return a trailer (That's another story). I hoped Shane would snooze on the way down. It didn't happen.

Anyway, the mission was accomplished, but Carrie and I wanted to turn the errand into a trip.

So we went to the Greensboro Science Museum! 

It turned out our museum membership at the Discovery Museum got us free tickets. We saved $40!

We only had a little over an hour before the museum closed, but that worked out well with Shane's attention span.

Whenever Carrie or I tried to stop and watch or read a plaque, Shane ricocheted to the next exhibit.

Shane fascinated by everything, so he had a blast.

He looked at fish, snakes, otters, eels, touched a stingray...

...and ignored the talk on sharks I wanted to listen to.

But that was ok. He'd been a good traveler in the car, so this was about making the drive worth something to him.

We were all full, because Carrie spotted a Mexican restaurant on the leg over (which I guess was my treat).

There were enough exhibits at the museum we could have stayed for hours.

They even had extreme weather (a Shane favorite).

Outside, there was a zoo.

Including a barn - Possibly Carrie's favorite attraction.

Because horses. They were minis, but they count.

I got a lot of pictures and could have taken even more.

King Julian!

The next time we're in Greensboro, I expect we will drop in for another visit.

I may have to Google some of the species the next time I'm bored. A "European Legless Lizard?"

We stopped by the gift shop on the way out. We managed not to buy anything, but if I was willing to pay for something stupidly overpriced it would have been this pencil.

Shane did such a great job in the car, we stopped at Chic Fil A for ice cream halfway home. We got a through the first three chapters of The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander and then he got to play on my phone the last hour.

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