Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wrestling Club Take 2

Thursday - I decided it wasn't safe or feasible to use the small mat with how hyper the kids in wrestling club were. I thought about it over the weekend.

Monday - I emailed the coordinator. I wanted to hop on the activity bus. I was told the Tennis Club used it weekly to go to the CHS courts.

Monday Night - Got the "I'll look into it."

Tuesday - I had to run the HS practice and then there was Back To School Night for Shane. Both went well, but I didn't think to write back about the buses until that night. The response came....

Wednesday Morning - "No activity bus. We hope to have one soon" The city is short on bus drivers.


Wednesday Afternoon - No bus. No mat. Practice #2.

For no mats, it went really well. I started with a small warm-up outside to get some energy out, went over stances, hand-fighting drills, cleaning-wrists, arm-drags and a hip switch. To finish practice, we cleaned up the room and played BS (Coach Frederick would have been proud).

The kids are still hyper crazy. Two of them especially so. If they were MS or HS wrestlers, I would have conditioned them into the ground in response to being talked over. That's a lot harder without mats. Plus, these guys are much younger than I'm used to. A couple seem almost criminally unaware of their own body and voice. There's a fine line allowing excitement and enforcing the discipline needed for a safe wrestling room.

When I get access to mats, I can let the kids wrestle more and I can introduce some wrestling games to wear them out. If there is no activity bus next week, I may ask if we can walk/jog to the high school. That'd get some energy out of the kids (provided they don't try to play in traffic on the way over).

Anyway, 2 out of 15 weeks of club down.

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