Saturday, May 23, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: Dump run

Two months later, it was time to go to the dump again. It'd been too long.

We had lots and lots of boxes from deliveries and I've been having Shane crush cans and sort recycling as a chore every now and then.

It's amazing what you can fit into a horse trailer.

We filled a good chunk of the cardboard container all on our own! Unfortunately, the dump still doesn't accept plastics (#1 and #2's), so those had to stay in the back of the truck for an eventual city run.

It was $9 to dump 340 pounds of trash. Recycling was free of charge.

I'd guess it took a couple of gallons of diesel at around $2 a gallon and with some minor wear and tear on the car, let's say it was $15 bucks and less than three hours of our time with driving (which we listened to Evil Spy School on the way there, so it was fun!).

NOTE: There were some people with masks, but we never got too close to anyone. Everything is outside. I tied a bandanna around my neck at the transfer station in case I needed to pull it up. The workers in the transfer station had masks they'd pull up if someone got close enough. It was all business for me, though. Shane and Carrie stayed in the car while I threw everything out and then hopped back in. Two months of cat waste cooking in a plastic can smell terrific.

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