Thursday, May 28, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: Packing Up

Teachers had to sign up for time slots to clean out our classrooms. We were supposed to avoid signing up for the same 2.5 hour window as any of our neighbors. I picked a morning spot, because I prefer to get things done rather than wait around all day!

I never made a mask, so I used a bandanna. The hat was to cover my greasy hair (Showering is optional in pandemics!).

A masked Assistant Principal and a fellow bandanna wearing custodian were at the door. They gave me a box and said, "It's easy this year!"

That meant I could leave stuff on the I did! It saved me a ton of effort and I figured the kids might like seeing some continuity when they came back.

Nothing had changed in the classroom. There were still papers in some of the desks I had to clear out.

The cheezits still looked good!

The dead mouse didn't. It was clear no one had been in my room for a while.

I took some stuff down to prepare for next year. I had been adding things we learned to the wall.

I let some kids put up some things and the worksmanship left a lot to be desired.

Why would you use tape in the middle of the words to hang something!?

I gave up trying to save things after a bit. I should have laminated (and it's on the to-do list for next year).

I was done in an hour and a half. Being able to leave things on the wall saved me a ton of time.

I never thought I could run around town dressed like a bandit. It gets hot breathing under there, but it felt a little bit like unleashing my inner kid.

Or maybe that's just because the bandanna makes me look younger. My beard disappeared!

To sake my wanderlust (and be efficient), I took care of some chores while I was up in town.

Things looked mostly the same on the outside save the signs advertising "takeout only" for some. The parking lots weren't full, but they weren't empty either.

There were sneezeguards at the counter in Petsmart and masks on half the people inside (all the employees). I had to drop my two bags of cat food on a plastic table to get scanned.

Wegmans still had a fair amount of cars. I noticed my favorite side parking lot was nearly empty. That entrance had been closed.

There were marks on the ground to help space out people waiting in line for food.

Make your own bakery bundles were a thing of the past. The signage said you could order ahead of time. Otherwise, you took what was in the bins.

There were some gaps where things were out of stock, people wearing masks, and signs to remind me it was a pandemic. I was happy to be out of the house and wandering around (even with the bandanna).

The bagels were more expensive than I would normally buy, but at $12 for a dozen I didn't break the bank. I wanted to celebrate packing up my room somehow. Next week is the last full week of work and then it'll be officially summer.

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