Sunday, May 17, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: Playing Online!

This post is a huge thank you to John and Patrick! Shane is a social creature and there's not a lot of opportunity for that at the moment (if you're following the safety requirements, at least).

It started with playing X-Morph with Patrick.

Patrick showed Shane the game, bought Shane the game, and now has played online with Shane!

It took a little bit of figuring out since the game only had local co-op play. We started using the 'remote play' option on Steam and it was 'pixellicious.' 

We switched to a program called Parsec and it worked much better.

No shirt required!

Patrick is taking summer classes, so it's not like he has nothing to do. He was just being a good uncle (and a good brother to give me a break!).

From listening in: I can tell you Shane's a talker, but not as much of a listener! Patrick was real patient with him.

They played a few times and then Shane wanted to try a different game. They tried Torchlight 2. 

I used to play that with John, so I decided to ask if John would be willing to play with Shane.

He was! Shane was happy to hear from him. Normally, we would have gone to visit NOVA to hang out by now.

I did put away laundry and did dishes while they played. It was a big help! Then I got to sit down for a little bit before they hit a stopping point.

I'm thinking about a way for Shane to earn the full version of Minecraft, because I'd like him to have the chance to see some friends his age online, too. Learning how to relate to people electronically seems to be a necessity these days.

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