Monday, June 14, 2021

Another Step Towards Normal

Shane and I went back to church in person for the first time on Sunday (6/13). It was the first Sunday that 4th graders were able to come back for Sunday School. I had to sign Shane up online ahead of time.

We'd never been in the new church building, but Shane recognized the kid's area right away from streaming! Before COVID, we started to attend the small, local church more, but I wanted to go somewhere I was sure there'd be other kids.

I went to the main service myself. There were chairs between family groups, but it was more crowded than I expected.

More crowded than pre-COVID? No. What I am comfortable with has definitely shifted. That will change as time goes on. Today was a first step.

The new building was nice, but looking at the parking lot it already felt a little small! The church has grown tremendously from when we first attended a service in a high school auditorium on our way to visit Carrie's parents. 

I like our small church, too, but as Shane's getting older I want him to join an active youth group. It's a drive, but maybe we'll stick with it.

I noticed something on the drive in, and decided to stop for a treat on our way back. Wawa has come to Charlottesville!

Shane and I got lunch. He loved the chicken tenders and mac and cheese! I got a panini. 

For Carrie I brought home a new flavor of coffee. I didn't know if it would be brilliant or off-putting, but it smelled as advertised.

I got a mug to put it in, too! Maybe Wawa will become an after church tradition.

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