Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The End of the School Year

Monday was the last full day of school. Students had to turn their laptops in, so there wasn't going to be any work accomplished. Instead, I enlisted everyone to help take apart the classroom.

It's a normal step. Last year, I lucked out and got to keep all my decorations up. This year, I asked and was told "The superintendent said clear the walls."

Thankfully, I had students willing to help. 

I only put kids to work for about half an hour each block to keep things light, but that was a huge time saver compared to doing it all solo.

I'd brought in board games and spent most of the class chatting. The classroom was mostly taken care of by the end of Monday.

One of my students gifted me with artwork! I'd left her decorations on my whiteboard for so long she decided to make more permanent copies. They look great!

I brought them home. I don't know if I want to frame them and keep them at home or bring them back to school.

Tuesday was a half day and the last day for students. There were some light odds and ends I did myself while chatting. Then I pulled out board games. We played Dixit 1st block, King of Tokyo 2nd block, and Horrified 4th block.

Wednesday was the last day for me, though. I went in and did the finishing touches to the room. There was a zoom meeting, a 6-inch sub from Subway, sign-outs, and a chance for some goodbyes between staff.

It wasn't the roughest week, but I was emotionally spent by the end of it. It was a successful year even with all of the craziness. Days later, I've found I still check my work email out of habit.

Summer's here and it's time to rest. I'm not going to physically sack out in the middle of the floor like Loki, but I'll be there in spirit.

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