Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Bird Update

The door to the barn and garage have been off limits for so long I've forgotten what it feels like to walk through them.

The nest at the barn has floursihed.

Frankly, birds are cuter when they're full grown. The chicks look like crotchety geezers with extra bushy eyebrows!

As of the time I'm writing this, the fledglings have left the nest. I wish I took more pictures to show all of their growth, but maybe next year.

The garage door is also reopened for business.

Only there were no fledglings. The nest was abandoned for some reason. There used to be three eggs, but now only one remains. 

I don't know what happened to the other eggs. The birds seem to have taken up residence in the hay barn, so maybe they were moved? If another critter stole them, I don't know why they never returned for the finale. 

On an semi-related note, I've been seeing more deer lately. They're often in the neighbor's fields and sometimes I'll see them crossing the road at night.  

I've seen a rabbit run through the arena and the usual hawks and buzzards float overhead. Thankfully, no coyotes or mice!

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