Thursday, June 24, 2021

Beach Week 2021: Mini-Golf!

What's that, Shelby? Patrick has a fever? And there's only one prescription!?

Let's get him treatment! We'll all go for support. We'll have to cram in to multiple cars...

...but the kids do love dinosaurs!

Especially, dinosaur mini-golf!

So Patrick wasn't really sick. Nana wanted to play putt-putt with the kids.

It took three vans (and a detour through a wrong turn) to shuttle everyone over.

Then the sun protection rituals began!

There wasn't a line before we arrived, but a line formed from us alone. 

Nana was the spokesperson.

The boys noticed the "Smile! You're on camera signs" and made sure to make a face into each camera they spotted.

However, there were more than cameras watching us.

The kids weren't intimidated, though! They laughed at the security measures (literally!).

Kathleen had brought the younger kids inside while Nana sorted out admissions. They probably weren't supposed to climb on everything, but the employee up front was too busy doing algebra to notice.

Everything got sorted out eventually as a real line started to form behind our clump.

We'd never been to the site before, so we picked a route and rolled with it.

B literally rolled with it. He played putt-putt like it was floor hockey. 

But who cares if you're having fun? That was the point of the day.

I tried to give Shane a few pointers, but he just wanted to go at it. He counted his strokes out loud as he went. "...3....4!.....5!"

Stu tried to set Cole up for success. He gave a mini-lesson.

But maybe that Cole's expectations too high.

Six strokes later, the ball went in and Cole went off! It was "stupid game" and "the worst day ever!"

I skipped the first hole to follow after the boys. They weren't about waiting for people to finish! I had just enough time to see Patrick put on his game face. He was in it to win it against Shelby.

We went up the gangplank to board the ship. B and Shane played speed style while Cole trailed behind muttering like a salty sea dog.

I could see Graham and Matt working on the first hole down below.

Cole stayed salty as we progressed. He just couldn't handle not doing well on his first try. Kathleen and others tried to walk over to encourage him only for him to stomp away.

Stu tried a couple of times before he stuck with the girls. Cole stayed with the group, so there wasn't much to manage.

The first nine went smoothly for most.

Kids played by the rules or their own.

But they were entertained!

Shane liked looking at the designs of the courses. I'd hop in behind the boys to get a few putts in myself.

For the most part, the kids played through in there usual groups: Tenley with Evelyn, Sammy with Graham and Aiden, and then the eldests.  

Shelby whooped on Patrick. If I heard right, she had multiple hole-in-ones before the day was done! She said she used to go all the time with her dad. Patrick was proud of his one hole-in-one to somewhat keep up with her.

Matt played through his his crew, but I didn't see Renee pick up a club.

The kids were all entertained by the scenery as much as they were by the golf.


They were all happy to be running around in a big group, as well. 

It was hot, though.

There was some shade in the boat, but outside it was straight UV.

The people who didn't play found other ways to entertain themselves. Nana went fishing for lost golf balls. She was very proud of her catch!

She used it to help out when inevitably our balls were lost to water hazards.

If you thought Cole was the only dramatic one this whole time, you'd be wrong. I got this picture where all three older boys were crying. Shane had been trying to "help" B too much (or got in his way?) and took a putter to the ankle. I don't know if it was in anger or not, but both boys ended up crying.

Cole was chill that point and probably thinking, "Yep. More proof putt-putt is hell."

I think the heat was burning through everyone's patience by the end. Shane jumped off a log and managed to catch his club on his collar bone.

I'm sure it hurt. Shane started coughing and acting pitiful, but the mark it left showed it missed his trachea completely. He got less sympathy the moment I thought he was playing it up for the crowd.

We spread out as we played, but everyone started to clump together again as we neared the end.

The kids were all interested in how the balls disappeared on the final hole. Maybe it was the mechanism itself or maybe it was the possibility they could shortcut it....even though I don't think they really wanted to play much more!

There was a stream you could hit your ball into on the final hole and it would roll out near the end.

Which is exactly what Shane did. 

Then he joined the others in watching the outing go down to its conclusion.

At first, all the kids wanted to know if someone went underground to retrieve the balls. A much more mundane solution was only a few steps away.

The kids were all dragging their feet, asking for ice cream, and acting like they'd been through an ordeal by the time we left! They enjoyed it overall and I bet they'd have left happy if it was 10° F cooler or if we'd ended 20 minutes sooner.

It was time to say goodbye to Pat and Shelby shortly after we got back. They packed up and headed out after lunch.

It was a short stay for them, but they did several things with Nana and Pop. I don't have any pictures from the pier or when they went out for steak the other night. 

The rest of us settled in to hang out at the house. If B, Cole, and Shane ever make a music album, I think this could be their cover shot.

Though the three of them piled onto the couch was probably the most common position to find them in for the course of the week.

I tended to stay inside when I could to avoid getting too much sun. One time I was outside talking to Stu when a plane dragged a banner overhead. That reminded Stu of when he first saw a plane fly a sign overhead at a Washington game as a kid. 

It had been a condom ad. He was young and had no idea what it was! He didn't remember the exact details, but he did remember asking his dad if it was some sort of candy. Then he really remembered the awkward silence as his dad said absolutely nothing!

The banners I saw flying were about a pirate themed dinner. I'd like to go to a dinner show one day, but I'd like to do it with Carrie. I bet Shane would love it, too, but I wonder if he'd love it so much he'd embarrass her with his enthusiasm to participate!

I know she doesn't approve of him taking 'creative paths' when there are clear walkways....whereas I just take a photo and laugh.

The sky was brighter, but the ocean was colder by the end of the week.

The current had shifted, as well. 

There was a strong pull to the south instead of the north.

The depth hadn't changed. The waves hit strong enough to be fun and not dangerous and that's what really mattered.

Cole preferred to wear goggles to keep the spray out of his eyes.

Shane preferred to splash at anyone who came by.

The boys tried to fight the southward pull, but it was strong enough to work its will on me. They normally had to get out of the water to reposition.

My job was easiest when they stuck together.

While I was on the waves shift, there was another cadre of the family playing closer to the sand.

Kathleen was nice enough to take my camera from me when the boys waded out farther.

We were too far out for crisp pictures, but they're the only pictures of me in the surf I have.

She and Tenley may have had an ulterior motive for taking my phone, though. I found a bunch of selfies!

Tenley is the only kid other than Shane who seems highly aware of the camera. She smiles whereas he makes faces.

Ka took some shots of Megan and Sammy, too.

Sammy seemed determine to take Megan with him wherever he went.

I took my own pictures again once the boys transitioned to the shore.

In previous year, I remember more whining about being tired and wanting to go home. This year, the adults were the ones who gave the orders to pack up.

And as previously stated, it normally started with pulling the kids to the shore where they continued to stall going home by playing.

Sand play was the only time the older kids joined the younger ones.

Shane and Sammy sat together this time. Shane used the shovel to make a sand catapult.

I think Sammy just enjoyed having an older kid hang around.

I thought we were homeward bound...

...but the kids went to wash off and hit the waves again!

Megan went out with B and Cole and I stayed on the shoreline.

That let me get some more action shots.

The tide was coming in. I used some posts as a marker for when to make the boys relocate and an extra foot or so had been swallowed since the time we arrived.

Shane hung with Sammy and I got to take a break.

Someone could probably cut down some of my pictures into better action shots of individuals, but I have not.

I took a bajillion pictures and more will roll in whenever the others start to post and share theirs!

There's no rush, either. It's a fun reminder when the pics do roll in.

We did leave the beach and we did follow our normal routine: Hose off salt water and hop into chlorinated water. 

Note the twins laughing: Trouble. I'm sure they said it in a way the kids didn't even notice!

Tenley actually fell out of the hot tub after this picture, but it was a small fall. 

There's not much to report about the rest of the night. Stu grilled up burgers early and everyone tried to tackle some of the leftovers from previous nights. The more we ate, the less there'd be to pack up or throw away.

It was late and all the kids were asleep when we started to hear fireworks.

It was probably the only moment I was glad Carrie wasn't with us. She hates fireworks and there had been signs posted all over that it was illegal to use them in North Myrtle Beach. She would've been incensed!

But the kids love them. I was afraid Shane's eyes were going to pop open and he'd run out saying "Where's the party!? Let's go!"

And so another day at the beach ended with a bang.

1 comment:

  1. Pop and I enjoy your posts so much. It lets us see a lot of things that happened on the beach vacation that we didn't see, especially the ones on the beach. By the way, we did make it to the beach once for a few minutes one evening by ourselves. That's about all I want to do, what with all the sand and wind. But I love see all of you enjoy the beach. Your posts are keeping me company here in the hotel room in Des Moines,Iowa when Pop does research at the Wrestling Hall of Fame. Thank you for capturing so many great moments and documenting them with pictures and your clever writing. We love you so much!
