Friday, January 21, 2022

Entertain Me

Shane's into video games right now. Carrie's into anime. So what's keeping me busy?


But aside from that I do find ways to entertain myself.

I like to listen to audiobooks while I do barn chores. I recently finished Hail Mary by Andy Weir and really enjoyed it.

Rather than starting the next book, I've been listening to the Top 100 Countdown from the Dice Tower.

I like the friendly banter and picking at each other. It reminds me of the dynamics of my friend group growing up. I spend more time listening to Dice Tower material each year than I spend on Netflix, so I'm happy to support them through their Kickstarter.

Actually, the puzzle I bought from them last year just arrived! I poured it into our gaming table while Shane was doing his Thursday night lesson with Ryouma. 

I entertained myself by starting to sort through for edge pieces and obvious color groups while I listened.

Neither Carrie or Shane ever suggests doing a puzzle and will actively groan if I mention getting one. Both of them will wander over and can't resist helping when they see me at it, though!

Carrie snuck behind my back and was working on the puzzle while Shane and I went to volleyball! I came home and noticed there were some puzzle pieces on the ground. 

"I needed something to focus on," Carrie said, " and a cat jumped up into the middle of it! I thought I picked it all back up!"

We sat down to finish the puzzle that afternoon. Part of it was I didn't trust her to hold back and thought she'd finish it when I went to work! 

We almost finished....,but there was a missing piece.

Annoying to say the least. 

I figured I'd be fine if we never found it, but that didn't stop me from looking. I started and stopped a few times until I thought to look under the fridge.

Cleary, a cat had fun. I can't help but wonder if it was Arya from how she gazed at the finished puzzle.

I wish I could say I spent more of my day reading. I got through 3 of the books Grandpa gifted me in under 4 weeks. Being off work (and without power) helped with that. My current rate of reading is two chapters in two weeks.

I spent a lot more time reading articles online and memes online. The best of which I end up being sent to Carrie. I only send some of the hundreds of memes I find.

 I prefer funny and funny-thought provoking or anything serious. 

Carrie replies back and we can have a whole conversation in pictures. 

I could work on the blog and write at night, but Bill and I started playing Deep Rock Galactic.

It's about dwarves and it's co-op. Two things that rate highly amongst us. Carrie's been falling asleep early due to the pneumonia, so I've been available.

As a bonus, the enemies are bugs. It's not gory or scary, so I've been willing to log on before Shane goes to bed. Now Shane wants to play!

Mining space asteroids online has prevented me from doing much writing, but it's been fun. There are a couple of nights that I stayed up later than I should have to finish levels. There was the one time we built a pipeline in a vertical coil that Bill fell into. We thought we'd lost the mission until Bill remembered he was a dwarf and digging is our thing. Another mission we spent over an hour trying to find the last object of a secondary goal. We'd given up, summoned the escape pod, and with minutes left on the timer Bill spotted it and decided to go for it. 

It's been a lot of fun. The next time the game's on sale we may be able to talk Briggs or Dan into buying it (I'd bought the game for John a year ago, but he returned it saying "I don't want anyone to spend money on me.").

When Carrie's awake we normally watch something until she falls asleep. There are a number of series we're working through.

And that pretty much sums up my media/entertainment habits. I'd like it if there were more family board games and reading, but there's only so much time in the day! About the only things I haven't mentioned are the Christian radio I listen to while driving and the random YouTube videos I watch whenever something catches my interest. 

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