Anthony Hopkins is making himself right at home. Carrie and Shane are both big fans.
The only win I have in the situation is I refused to (and so far avoided) doing any real bunny care.
I sensed that Hopkins may be another "foster fail" before I came home to his new 'pen.'
I'll admit it's brilliant. Using a baby pen keeps all his mess in a single location (and it even came with some toy balls that Shane threw for Loki).
At this point, I've gone on record to say "Merry Christmas and Happy Anniversary 2022." I'd ditch the lop, but if Carrie and Shane bond over him I'm not going to be the joy-killer.
Carrie likes to hop in the pen with Hopkins.
And she's not the only one. The cats like his hay. Arya was torn between chewing and sniffing Hopkin's new litter box (She's more than welcome to use it, too).
Hopkins is a big chewer. He particularly likes the taste of cardboard. He's not afraid of heights and loves to hop up on his box.
And again, anything the bunny likes draws attention from others.
I found this picture particularly meme worthy.
I was a little concerned the cats may try to hunt the bunny at some point, but all signs point to them being friends so far.
I've had to chase Tsuki and Arya out of the pen for eating the bunny's food pellets.
Carrie's the only one allowed to take Hopkins out of the pen (Usually for a snuggle and photo-shoot).
He has his own ideas on that, though. He'll jump out at random times! Hopkins got loose just before I sat down to write!
He's harder to catch than expected when surrounded by cover (Especially when I'm trying not to hurt him).
I think it's official that we can say Hopkins is part of the family. Carrie moved his pen out of the main entryway and into the office once Bucket went home, so it's not a bad spot.
Welcome to the family, Hopkins! Your nana already adores you!I hope we can drop by your house next month to officially greet and welcome Hopkins!