Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Wrestling in a Pandemic Recovery Year

Wrestling has felt odd this year. 

My first year at Monticello, I didn't have a 4th block, so it was easy to head over to help. This year, I have two 4th block classes and they're the most exhausting classes of the day. I typically need some time after class and it makes me arrive late to practice.

It's a small team this year and probably averages 6 kids in the room. Who the kids are changes as someone is sick, injured, or not in school that day. We've missed at least 7 practices due to snow and it started a week late. I've only been to a couple of matches and I've left practice early several times due to family needs. There have been some practices over the breaks and on teacher workdays, but I only went to one and no kids showed up. I think I only needed to put on my wrestling shoes and wrestle one day for 45 minutes with a kid in all of January. 

This week there were only three practices. One of them I showed up and helped direct kids to roll up mats.

There was an even number of kids, two other coaches, and Carrie's still recovering from pneumonia so I left afterwards to watch Shane, make dinner, and do barn chores instead.

I feel less committed and it makes the season feel less satisfying.

There's only a week left of the regular season. One wrestler has a chance to place at Regionals, but that's it. What's next year going to look like? Will coaches still have to wear face masks? Will more kids come out, because there's less COVID anxiety? Or will we get fewer kids, because everyone got used to not doing after school activities? I like Coach Brian, but will he come back or will there be a 3rd head coach in three years? 

Part of me wonders what it would look like if I tried to be the head coach. Would I be able to inject life into the program? Or would it overwhelm me with everything else going on in my life? I like the idea more if Shane was older and wanted to wrestle, because coaching would also count as child care. Sadly, he's not interested.

And a large part of me is going to be glad when the season is over. I'll check it off the list and use the extra time to plan or head home and rest.

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