Friday, January 7, 2022

It's overkill to snow again when school's already cancelled.

It snowed again overnight!

We were a little concerned the power would go out again, but it didn't. The snow covered all of our shoveling progress!

We were scheduled for some sunshine, at least. After morning chores, we wrapped up Phase 1 of the MCU with Shane by watching The Avengers! 

Carrie was happy. Shane protested having to watch it, but was bouncing up and down singing its praises by the end! She's been dealing with on and off severe headaches all week. The cats have kept her company whenever she's plopped down on the couch.

I could tell that the sun had started to heat things up when non-Carrie cuddling cats gravitated to the windowsills. 

The snowfall had been light enough that the paths cleared themselves!

I told Shane we needed to clean up the game from the table. I offered to play it with him, so we could finish the map!

The table opens up, so I told Shane once we were done he could build another level inside. Then we could leave his setup for along as he wanted!

Shane didn't follow directions. He took everything that we'd cleaned up and expanded the map greatly!

We played for well over an hour!

I'd got called away midgame when Carrie ran out to the barn on a phone call. Our hot water heater had a couple special moments earlier in the week where the flames didn't want to shut off. We stopped it by opening up the battery cover.

A fire that won't quit is a hazard. Carrie called the manufacturer and they talked her through the steps to disassemble the heater and look for faulty parts.

In typical Carrie fashion, she wanted to be the one at the con. Then she hurt herself and broke a nob she was removing.

She let me help after that (because I want to be the one doing the fixing, too!).

The phone technician diagnosed the problem and said they'd ship us a replacement part.

Afterwards, Carrie wanted to show me some gutter damage she'd spotted. The snow/ice coming off the barn roof caught the lip of some of the gutters. Here's a picture of some damage from the ladies' field.

The mares were very interested in us. They hoped for grain, but were satisfied with scratches instead!

It looked worse in the boy's lot. The downspouts are intact, but the gutters will have to be replaced.

I tried to knock off the snow hanging over the edge, but found out there was a solid sheet of ice on the bottom holding everything together. I had to hack over halfway through each section before it'd drop to the ground.

Shane was upset when I made him clear the dining room table for dinner. He didn't go a great job of fitting everything back in the box, either! It will probably end us as future work for me, but with the table clear I cleared enough room on the inside Shane could build a new map if he wants.

Carrie cooked everyone dinner. Shane requested gyoza! We got rice as well, and Carrie experimented with grilling some of the leftovers.

It's been an odd and cold week, but a good one. There's a ton of cleanup to do in the lots, because of the snow. For now, it's a problem for a later day. 

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