Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Sick House (But not COVID....probably!)

Shane's been sucking snot for a while. If it's a cold, it's minor enough that he sees as a flavor option rather than something to complain about.

I've been snotty for a while, but that's on par with my life (all those allergies and a dry air sensitivity when the heater starts up!). I had a sorer throat than normal waking up through 'Honeymoon Week' and half wondered if I was getting sick, but a humidifier has helped.

I still wake up with snot in the mornings, but I think it's more from cats in general and Aria not wanting to leave me alone. I have coughed some mornings. I'm able to avoid it at school, so it's not serious (but with some people screaming "Omicron!" I'm definitely more aware of the chance of being sick).  

Carrie, on the other hand, is definitely sick. She dealt with terrible headaches during 'Honeymoon Week' (and even dismounted from a horse to take her helmet off before "her head exploded" in front of Laura). Carrie developed a cough around Thursday or Friday of No Power Week that kept her from sleeping. It got bad enough on Saturday, I told her she should see a doctor on Monday.

Carrie did not go to the doctor. 

On Tuesday, I made an appointment for her. She cancelled it.

Thursday, she finally agreed to do something and managed to get a teledoc appointment. The doc said, "Go get tested." The results came back negative, and I guess that was the extent of the conversation, because nothing else happened or improved.

Saturday, with snow on the horizon, Carrie finally agreed to go to an Urgent Care....and by agreed, I mean she woke me up at 5 AM to tell me that she'd had enough and was worried that if she didn't go before the snow it'd be too late.

She left at 7:15 AM to get in line (they open at 8 AM). She called home in upset/in a panic when she arrived and realized she'd forgotten her purse. Shane and I hopped in the car to go to her rescue. It's a 25 minute drive, so there was no way she'd have been able to go back and forth.

Carrie was diagnosed as "presents as pneumonia." She was given a total of FIVE presciptions.  

How'd she get pneumonia? Maybe from Shane's cold? A second COVID test came back negative.

Hopefully, the meds will do their thing and Carrie will heal up quickly. Winter is tough enough without being under the weather (snow or otherwise!).

1 comment:

  1. If the antibiotics cause problems, probiotics or yogurt with active cultures (such as Activia) will help restore the good bacteria in one's stomach. I hope she feels better real soon. We are praying for that!
