Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Snow Fun

 Snow creates work on a farm, but we didn't miss out on all the opportunities for fun.

I wanted to drag Shane around behind the gator. 

Shane declined.

I was shocked. Shane's far more cautious about some things than I am. He must get it from Carrie. Or maybe it's he doesn't have two younger sisters without fear doing crazy things to urge him on like I did.

Regardless, I offered and encouraged him a few more times, but Shane opted out. 

For the first day. The second day he decided I wasn't trying to kill him! We went outside while Carrie was trailering Ernie to the hospital.

I used some twine to tie a lead rope to the hitch. I wanted enough distance between the gator and Shane that there wouldn't be any accidents if I hit the brakes.

We didn't have a sled, so we had to improvise. Anything flat and smooth would do. I figured we'd use cardboard, but I sent Shane on a mission to "design a sled." I gave him some tips of what to do, but he ignored most of them to use a box.

The box broke in seconds. 

So I flattened it down and we did a slow trial run! The ground by the barn is sloped and the ice was so slick gravity pulled Shane down as we rolled!

The first run only lasted till maybe the garage. Shane didn't understand what I meant about keeping the front edge up and he scooped up snow. I kept explaining it, but it took a while for him to follow along. If he was older and I trusted him to drive, I could've demonstrated. 

But we got it figured out eventually!

We weren't out very long, but I'm glad we used the snow for something fun! We'll go back to school tomorrow (Thursday) with a 2-hr delay.

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