Saturday, January 8, 2022

Saturday Surprise

I've tried to recruit Shane and Carrie to play games over Winter Break with only limited success. Shane's agreed to play some with me, but it was almost always when he suggested it (Which would be after he turned down my offers and I'd be busy doing something else). He would have been more willing to play if Carrie joined in and made it a whole family affair. Shane likes big groups.....but then Carrie has trouble playing a game when Shane won't stop humming, bouncing, and turning cards into rocket ships complete with sound effects! 

I told Carrie that playing some Marvel Champions was one of my Winter Break goals for date week. However, she had headaches and/or exhaustion whenever I tried to enlist her. I didn't get her to play anything more than a few hands of Rummy with Shane out of town or with the power out.

The cats used the games I got out more than anyone else.

I'd say it added insult to injury, but I got a few good pics out of it to soften the blow.

Shane and I picked up another cat to add to the mix in the afternoon. Grandma and Grandpa wanted to fly to California to see Chris, Rachel, and their kids and needed Bucket babysitting.

Bucket hated the idea. She pooped and added a lovely fragrance to the ride home.

We'd hoped to visit Ryan and Kim first, but Ryan was at a band performance. Kim said he had a surgery planned in a couple of weeks to address an issue from October. Ryan needed to be healthy, (for hospitals not to shut down elective surgeries due to Omicron,) and Shane was still dripping snot.

We took a raincheck and decided to visit post-surgery.

There was plenty of poop waiting for us at home.

Here it is in panorama. 

Too bad most of it was frozen. You can't scoop poop that's rock hard and adhering to the ground.

I was working on the barn mess when a truck parked in our driveway. We had visitors. Shane saw them as he was going in from chores. He was thrilled.

Sarah had brought her kids by. 

But it wasn't purely a social call.

To my dismay, there was a rabbit in the house.

Sarah runs a rescue. The rabbit was part of a surrender. She needed a foster placement for the bunny, so that he and the females surrendered didn't try to increase their population.

Alvin wasn't scared of anything.

Which worried all the cats and fascinated Shane and Loki.

Carrie thought about renaming Alvin to Anthony Hopkins, but decided against it (Hopefully, to keep herself from getting too attached, because Alvin isn't staying here!).

The week would've been more fun if Shane had a snow buddy to play with outside, but I guess the next best thing is a surprise rabbit? I'd hoped Carrie would make friends with moms who had kids his age, but somehow her friendships keep adding more animals rather than kids!

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