Friday, August 5, 2022


We've had multiple near miss storms. Jess left our place one day to find Charlottesville flooding and car hit a river across the road. She made it through the other side, but not without submerging the front of her car.

This weekend wasn't a miss. It poured. The waves of water cascading down the windows made the barn look like it was in an aquarium.

"There goes a trash can!" Carrie said.

A few minutes later, "And another!" 

I caught #2 rolling around on camera.

The cats were nowhere to be seen, but the dogs were underfoot. Loki kept barking at the thunder unless I had him glued to my side. We eventually had to close him in the bathroom, because we kept startling Kila.

There were a couple waves and a couple lulls. Kila got in her bathroom breaks without either of us getting soaked.

I enjoyed the storm. The grass needed the water to combat the heat. It was a little annoying hunting down all the trash cans the next day.

Kila freaked and sprinted away the first time I picked one up! The storm came from an unusual angle and pushed everything Northwest. All the cans were empty from our dump run and easy to push around.

The angle of the rain turned the underside of the mare's lean-to into a muddy mess. A few horse blankets had been blown off where they were hanging in the barn. Indy's fly sheet landed in a puddle that had formed at the entrance to his stall.

The cover of the hay feeder came loose again, too (It's on the to-do list).

A few over-successful weeds and a baby tree were also casualties of the wind.

Loki is a wimp. He hates when the grass is wet. He'll refuse to come outside or park on the porch if I force him out the door. The thrill of the chase is enough to lure him out, but he'll just mope otherwise!

Kila, on the other hand, doesn't mind in the least. She'll plop down and disappear in the wet grass!

Shane's a big fan of storms. Half the time he tries to narrate and turn everything into an impending disaster. The other half he's telling you exactly when the storm will end in 5....10....15....20....2....NOW minutes!

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